100 Bay State Road – Construction Activity for the period August 11 – August 25

Dear Colleagues & Neighbors:

For August 11 through August 25 you may expect:

Site improvements and façade work continue. The fence surrounding the site will be removed soon except for the around the Kenmore Lot. Landscaping and installation of the sidewalk and the granite seat wall on Deerfield Street will continue for the next few weeks. Cleaning and punch list items are in process. Furniture delivery is ongoing and will continue for the next few weeks. Occupants will be moving in throughout the month. The team of over 100 people on site every day is working hard to make sure the schedule is met so that the building is fully operational when students return in the fall.


In addition to the work on the new Center for Student Services, there are many other projects happening over the summer. To learn more about what is happening in the coming months, visit our website. We will also start sending out updates on New Balance Field as the project progresses, so you can subscribe if you are interested.

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