Law School Construction Update 10-12-12

Dear Colleagues & Neighbors:

In order to better inform the Boston University community throughout the construction of the Redstone Building and the renovation of the Law Tower, the Boston University Facilities Management & Planning team will send out periodic updates of the activities taking place on site, especially those that may affect you directly.

Skanska Construction will begin removing the Gotlieb Archival Research Center entrance to Mugar Library and the stairs off the law school patio next week. A temporary construction fence will surround the patio stairs and the Mugar entrance from October 15 until the end of the fall semester. The patio doors on the 1st floor of the Law Tower will be closed, starting November 1. You will still be able to access the Law Tower through the Ring Lounge entrance or the main lobby. To minimize disruptions to classes, most of the noisiest demolition work will be conducted during periods when classes are not in session.

While there will be a narrow pathway between the Mugar fence and the School of Theology, please consider walking around the front of the School of Theology (facing Commonwealth Avenue) or along George Hart Way behind Mugar Library when you are going between the Law Tower and the GSU. As you are probably aware, the main entrance to Mugar Library is now located in the GSU Link.

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