Goldman School of Dental Medicine – Construction Update – 1/3/20

During the weekend of January 4:

  • On Saturday, work will continue throughout the interior of the seven-story west addition, with the focus on installing the finishing touches from all trades throughout the floors, and the continued buildout of the first-floor auditorium.

During the week starting January 6:

  • Following the removal of the mast climbers and swing staging (work platforms), crews will install the remaining terracotta panels and faux wood trim façades at the lower level of the building that was, until recently, behind the work platforms along Albany Street.
  • Crews will also continue the installation of the new student, resident, faculty, and staff entrance on East Newton Street. Following the completion of granite pavers at the steps and landing, the focus will turn to grading and pouring concrete for the new sidewalks.

Floor by floor progress:

  • On the first floor of both the seven-story west and two-story north additions, workers will be installing acoustical wall panels in the auditorium and completing touch-up painting. Installation of the ceiling systems and casework will continue in the student and resident lounge.
  • On the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh floors of the seven-story west addition, final touch-ups on casework and painting, and the installation of furniture, will continue.
  • City of Boston inspections for Phase 2 will continue, including a series of tests and walkthroughs that will be scheduled as areas and equipment become ready for their respective reviews.

As a reminder to all, please be aware of all directional signage, as pedestrian travel paths may be altered at both the interior and exterior of the building. Your safety is imperative!

Progress continuing on the new student, resident, faculty, and staff entrance, East Newton Street
Progress continuing on the new student, resident, faculty, and staff entrance, East Newton Street
The nearly completed new auditorium
The nearly completed new auditorium

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