Geothermal Well Drilling Initiative – Construction Update – 1/10/20

Parking Lot N

  • Installation of high-performance geothermal exchange vertical piping within the completed boreholes in the fenced in area of Lot N will be ongoing followed by pressure testing.
  • Soil material stockpiling and handling in the basin area will continue. The site contractor will be using excavation equipment to remove this material from the settlement basin and load it into trucks for removal to a disposal facility.


  • The drilling subcontractor has completed all drilling.
  • Installation of the high-performance geothermal exchange vertical piping within the borehole is ongoing followed by pressure testing. Upon completion, the site subcontractor will be installing the manhole structure over the piping.
  • A vacuum excavation truck will be on-site for the removal of sedimentation from the water storage tanks within the alleyway.


  • Construction equipment will be making periodic trips into the fenced area of the park to access the stockpiled materials.

As a reminder to all, please be aware of all directional signage, as pedestrian travel paths may be altered at both the interior and exterior of the building. Your safety is imperative!

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