Undergraduate Courses

Introduction to Creative Writing
Advanced Undergraduate Creative Writing Courses
Concentration in Creative Writing

Introduction to Creative Writing

The Creative Writing Program offers several sections of Introduction to Creative Writing during the fall and spring semesters; additional sections may also through Metropolitan College and in the BU Summer Sessions.

Please note that EN 202 does not satisfy the College of Arts and Sciences writing requirement. EN 202 is not a prerequisite for any of the advanced writing classes, though we do recommend it to students who wish to pursue further creative work in the program.  All EN 202 sections can be viewed on the Student Link.

Advanced Undergraduate Creative Writing Courses

Advanced creative writing courses in either poetry (EN 304 in the fall, EN 403 in the spring) or fiction (EN 305 in the fall, and EN 405 in the spring) are offered each semester. Seats in these courses are usually limited to ten per section, and are offered to students on a selective basis. Students must submit a sample of their creative work to the course instructor or the Creative Writing administrator before the start of classes.

Because admission to any of the advanced courses is not guaranteed, we recommend that you register for 202 prior to submitting a portfolio for one of the advanced writing classes. As seats in creative writing courses are limited, we recommend that students apply to the advanced courses as often as they wish. You will only increase your chances of being accepted by doing so.

To apply for an advanced course, please send a writing sample to the Creative Writing Program at crwr@bu.edu, and it will be forwarded to the instructor.  All advanced courses can be viewed on the Student Link.  Best of luck!

Concentration in Creative Writing

There is presently no major or minor in creative writing at the undergraduate level. However, for students majoring or minoring in English, or pursuing a creative writing concentration in COM, any advanced creative writing course (EN 304, 305, 403, or 405, including MET courses) may count for concentration credit. Within certain limitations, you may take each creative writing course up to two times. Please consult your advisors about your course selections. For course offerings in the English Department, please click here.

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