John Byers named Interim Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Mathematical & Computational Sciences

Professor John Byers

On Monday Sept. 17, BU CS Professor Stan Sclaroff, Interim Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, informed the College community that he has selected BU CS Professor John Byers to serve as Interim Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Mathematical & Computational Sciences. Congratulations John!

The full official notification is below:


Dear Colleagues,

I am delighted to let you know that John Byers, professor of Computer Science, has agreed to serve as the Interim Associate Dean of the Faculty for the Mathematical and Computational Sciences.  He will begin serving in this role immediately.

John joined the CAS faculty in 1999 as an assistant professor of computer science and was promoted to full professor in 2014; he was named a BU Data Science Faculty Fellow in 2017.  He has served his department, the College, and the University with distinction in various capacities. He has been associate chair, director of graduate studies, and chair of faculty search committees, in addition to serving on the CAS Academic Promotion and Tenure (APT) committee, the Provost’s search advisory committee for the dean of the Questrom School of Business, and the BU Entrepreneurship Advisory Council. John has broad inter-disciplinary interests, is widely published across numerous computer science sub-fields, and has received multiple awards for his research.  Finally, it is interesting to note that John got a triple BA in CS, Economics, and Math – the three main departments in the division.

I look forward to having John join the dean’s office team during this interim year.



Stan Sclaroff, Interim Dean

College of Arts & Sciences