PhD Student

Andy is a PhD candidate at Boston University working with Manos Athanassoulis. His research interests are in machine learning, data mining, and high performance computing. Currently he is working on primal-dual algorithms for data mining applications.

Prior to Boston University, Andy was at the University of Minnesota where he graduated Magna Cum Laude in Computer Engineering. During his time there he did research under Vladimir Cherkassky and Bin He. Andy’s research in Minnesota dealt primarily with machine learning and its applications to biomedical sciences.


Modeling of Swine Diaphragmatic Tissue Under Uniaxial Loading Huynh A, Molina Espinosa M, Lobo Fenoglietto F, Singal A, Iaizzo P. ASME Journal of Medical Devices, 9(3), 3-3. 2015.
