PhD Student

Papon is a Computer Science PhD student at the BU Data-intensive Systems and Computing (DiSC) lab advised by Professor Manos Athanassoulis. His research interests broadly include Database Management and Near-Data Processing. His primary focus is to develop data systems for modern storage devices than can enable better device utilization by considering the specific device properties. In addition, he is also working on developing FPGA-based near-data processing techniques that can on-the-fly generate the optimal data layout for the corresponding workload.

Prior to joining Boston University, Papon was a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) in Bangladesh University of Engineering & Technology (BUET) for 4 years. Outside the office, Papon enjoys traveling and playing pool.


[1] Tarikul Islam Papon and Manos Athanassoulis. “A Parametric I/O Model for Modern Storage Devices”, In Proceedings of the International Workshop on Data Management on New Hardware (DAMON), 2021.

[2] Tarikul Islam Papon and Manos Athanassoulis. “The Needs for a New I/O Model”, In Proceedings of the Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR), 2021.

[3] Subhadeep Sarkar, Tarikul Islam Papon, Dimitris Staratzis, and Manos Athanassoulis. “Lethe: A Tunable Delete-Aware LSM Engine”, In Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2020.
