Ezioma Igwe
First Year Student Outreach Project
About Me:
- Hometown: Dallas, Texas
- Pronouns: she/her
- Favorite Boston neighborhood: Dorchester
- Favorite local restaurant: Sweet Kingdom
- Favorite TV show: Game of Thrones
- Favorite Artist: J.Cole
- Favorite spot on campus: BU Beach
- Favorite community partner: Mathers School
What inspired you to get involved with the CSC?
I have always been interested in giving back to the community, simply because the resourcs being provided to people in need of it are basic human rights. Every person on this world deserves to live a sustainable lifestyle ny having access to necessities in life. If I have the opportunity to create a more equitable world, then I will take it.
What is your favorite CSC experience and why?
My favorite CSC experience was when we volunteered at the Mathers School for their Spring Fling. It was fun to make connectiions and interact with the children, the parents, and the teachers at the school and while trying to give the children te best possible expeience at the event.
What does service mean to you?
Service means that you are providing a necessity to those in need of it without any personal benefit. The reason for service is to foster a community in which people have equal opportunity and experiences.
What is the most important lesson you’ve learned since getting involved with the CSC?
The most important lesson that I have learned at the CSC is that Boston is full of opportunity, you just have to go out and find it. This lesson is important to me because it relates to passion. If you have the passion to do something, then you will find a way to do it.