Ajit Vijaykumar Kulkarni

For Student Ajit Vijaykumar Kulkarni, MET Offers Standout Professors and Practical Projects. Ajit is pursuing a MS in Computer Information Systems with a concentration in Web Application Development and has a BS from State University of New York College at Buffalo. He is a Solution Architect at ITC Infotech as a service partner of PTC.

What compelled you to return to school and pursue a graduate education? What is your long-term objective?

In the information technology world, upgrading knowledge and skill is a survival need. I wish to maintain my educational growth, so my objective is to brush up on concepts I am already familiar with, and learn new concepts that will help me in my work. It is also important for me to learn current market trends.

 Why did you choose MET for your graduate studies? What set MET apart from other programs you were considering?

My research showed that MET’s master’s degree in computer information systems is a highly ranked online program taught by experienced faculty, with several concentration options and alternative program formats. The programs at MET are very flexible, also, and accommodate my current job hours.

Is there a particular faculty member from your Web Application Development courses who has enhanced your experience at MET? Who and why?

It goes without mentioning that all the faculty and facilitators are well-qualified and doing hard work to enhance our learning at MET. But there are a few who stand out for me. Professor Vijay Kanabar is very experienced and professional. He has a very good style of teaching project management, with exercises that provide real practical experience. Professor Warren Mansur made difficult subjects, such as databases and networking, easier to understand. He is very professional and flexible. Professor Suresh Kalathur gives real project work and is able to cover a large area of knowledge in a small amount of time. Finally, Professor Anatoly Temkin made learning math fun. I was literally laughing throughout the course. That’s kind of fun learning he brought to a difficult subject.

Is there a specific course project that you would like to spotlight? How do you apply concepts you are learning in your courses at MET in your current job or internship?

In IT Project Management (MET CS 632), I really enjoyed the project management project as I was actually implementing my learning in a project. I could co-relate the project assignment I did with my everyday work and management. The project work provided real professional work experience.

Server-Side Web Development (MET CS 602) offered a new look towards JavaScript and server-side technology. In that course I learned current market trends, and I learned a new database: MongoDB. I now heavily use JavaScript in my day-to-day work.

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