Category: Thesis

Patterns in network security: an analysis of architectural complexity in securing recursive inter-network architecture networks

Recursive Inter-Network Architecture (RINA) networks have a shorter protocol stack than the current architecture (the Internet) and rely instead upon separation of mech- anism from policy and recursive deployment to achieve large scale networks. Due to this smaller protocol stack, fewer networking mechanisms, security or otherwise, should be needed to secure RINA networks. This thesis […]

Security analysis of finance and healthcare android applications

Android is a major mobile operating system pre-installed and shipped with more than 60% of smart-phones in the market. The open source nature of android en- courages developers to innovate wide-range of applications. Meantime, the sweeping android acceptance with individuals and industries caught the attention of malicious software writers, which led to a sharp increase […]

Applying data mining techniques over big data

Source: Applying data mining techniques over big data The rapid development of information technology in recent decades means that data appear in a wide variety of formats — sensor data, tweets, photographs, raw data, and unstructured data. Statistics show that there were 800,000 Petabytes stored in the world in 2000. Today’s internet has about 0.1 […]

DR BACA: dynamic role based access control for Android

Source: DR BACA: dynamic role based access control for Android Android, as an open platform, dominates the booming mobile market. However, its permission mechanism is inflexible and often results in over-privileged applications. This in turn creates severe security issues. Aiming to support the Principle of Least Privilege, we propose a Dynamic Role Based Access Control […]

Elliptic curve cryptography, zero-knowledge proof, and Lamport’s hash chain in a distributed authentication system

This paper proposes a novel distributed authentication system that uses robust alternatives in cryptographic algorithms to grant a third-party access to personal data without compromising a user’s credentials. The paper examines briefly the concept of distributed authentication systems, and discusses how elliptic curve cryptography and Lamport’s hash chain can operate in a zero-knowledge proof to […]

Android application evolution and malware detection

Android has dominated the mobile market for a few years now, and continues to increase its market share. Meanwhile, Android has seen a sharper increase in malware. It is a matter of utmost urgency to find a better way to detect Android malware. In this thesis, we use static code analysis to extract the android […]

Building an application for the writing process

Source: Building an application for the writing process The idea that writing is a process and not a product is now generally accepted in writing education, but discussions of digital scholarly communication often neglect the idea, in theory and in practice. This thesis report introduces a Mac OS X software package to support the early […]

A clinical decision support system for the treatment of common toxin overdose

Source: A clinical decision support system for the treatment of common toxin overdose Poisonings account for 0.8% of emergency room visits each year. Our review of current toxicological resources revealed a gap in their ability to provide expedient calculations and recommendations, as they are broad in scope and time-consuming to read. Time is crucial in […]