Dimitar Trajanov

Visiting Research Professor

  • Title Visiting Research Professor
  • Education Ph.D. University “Ss Cyril and Methodius”

Prof. Dimitar Trajanov, Ph.D. is Visiting Research Professor at Boston University and Head of the Department of Information systems and network technologies at the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering – ss. Cyril and Methodius University –Skopje. From March 2011 until September 2015, he was the founding Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering, and in his tenure, the Faculty has become the largest technical Faculty in Macedonia. Dimitar Trajanov is the leader of the Regional Social Innovation Hub established in 2013 as a cooperation between UNDP and the Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering.

His professional experience includes working as a Senior Data Science Consultant for one of the largest Pharmaceutical companies, a Data Science consultant for UNDP in North Macedonia, and a software architect in a couple of startups.

Dimitar Trajanov is the author of more than 170 journal and conference papers and seven books. He has been involved in more than 70 research and industry projects, of which in more than 40 projects as a project leader.

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