Author: Mary Gordon

BU Research: Looking for Extraterrestrial Life

In a recent BU Research article, CSP’s Professor Michael Mendillo, Professor John Clarke, and Associate Professor Paul Withers, as well as PhD candidate Paul Dalba (Astronomy), discuss narrowing the search for extraterrestrial life with Barbara Moran. “What more important question could we ask? Are we alone?” asks Boston University professor of astronomy Michael Mendillo. “I […]

BU Today: Space Science for Kids

Lily (second from left) was among the throng of youngsters at who visited CSP for our Space Science for Kids event, a free event for children over 10 hosted by BU’s Center for Space Physics June 15. Sophia Kressy (CAS’19) (right) explains a gyroscope to the fascinated Lily. The event showcased interactive experiments and gave […]