Students chilling on the grass at BU Beach

Learning Communities on Inclusive Teaching 

Over the past several years, CTL has facilitated a number of inclusive teaching learning communities for graduate students. These learning communities have followed two trajectories: 

Participants in the first series of learning communities were part of a 10-week program that followed Cornell University’s massive open online course (MOOC) “Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom” (TLDC), an introductory course designed for educators teaching in the American college classroom. The Learning Communities in this stream participated asynchronously in the Cornell MOOC and then met synchronously for discussion. Over the course of their learning, participants reflected on the significance of instructors’ and students’ social identities in the teaching and learning context and explored evidence-based pedagogical strategies and course design principles that support student engagement and belonging across difference.  

The second stream on inclusive teaching invited graduate students to be part of a learning community that focused on inclusive STEM teaching. This cohort was facilitated jointly by CTL and the Office of Professional Development and Postdoctoral Affairs (PDPA). Over 6 weeks, the cohort participated asynchronously in the Inclusive STEM Teaching Project edX course, which was co-developed by PDPA. They also met synchronously to discuss the materials in the edX course and consider how to integrate inclusive teaching approaches and practices into their classes. 

Please check back to find out when these programs will be offered again! 

Last updated: December 7, 2023