Summer Teaching: Works Cited and Recommended Research

Works Cited

Crowe, A., Hyun, E., & Kretovics, M. (2005). Reflections on summer teaching: Academic rigor or curriculum light? Summer Academe, 5 , 7–20.

Digregorio, K. (1996–97). Essential encounters: Non-classroom interactions between students and faculty. Summer Academe, 1, 13–26.

Herrmann, M., & Berry, K. (2016). An investigation into graduate student preference for compressed courses. Academy of Educational Leadership Journal, 20(2), 23.

Kops, W. J. (2014). Teaching compressed-format courses: Teacher-based best practices. Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education, 40(1).

Vicens, Q., & Bourne, P. E. (2009). Ten simple rules to combine teaching and research. PLoS Computational Biology, 5(4), e1000358.

Wilson, L. O. (2007). When backward is forward thinking: Radical changes in instructional designs for summer school. Presentation at the North Central Conference of Summer Sessions Annual Conference, Chicago, IL.

Recommended Research

Deichert, N. T., Maxwell, S. J., & Klotz, J. (2016). “Retention of information taught in introductory psychology courses across different accelerated course formats.” Teaching of Psychology, 43(1), 4-9.

Johnson, C. (2009). “Faculty Speak on the Impact of Time in Accelerated Courses.” Journal of Continuing Higher Education, 57(3), 149-158.

Kops, W. J. (2014). “Teaching compressed-format courses: Teacher-based best practices.” Canadian Journal of University Continuing Education, 40(1).

Martin, H., & Culver, K. B. (2009). “To concentrate, to intensify or to shorten: The issue of the short intensive course in summer sessions.” Summer Academe, 6, 59-69.

Scott, K., & Normore, A. H. (2013). “Accelerating success for basic skills students at the community college.” Journal of Applied Research in the Community College, 20(2), 15- 28.

Tatum, B. C. (2010). “Accelerated education: Learning on the fast track.” Journal of Research in Innovative Teaching, 3(1), 34-50.