Team Teaching at BU (and Beyond)


This is a brief introduction to team teaching that contains a curated, annotated list of teaching resources. It can be used to begin the process of developing a team taught course or to support faculty who have already embarked on team teaching. (Note: While this resource is designed for instructors of Hub specialty courses, i.e., Cross-College Challenge, Social & Racial Justice Courses, Hub Cocurriculars, and Interdisciplinary Courses, it can also be useful for faculty across the University. Some of these resources require users be signed into a BU account. See this resource as a Drive Document.

What is Team Teaching?

Team teaching, also referred to as co-teaching, can take many forms, from a course designed and led by a full-time faculty member, in which graduate students act as discussion leaders and graders for multiple sections, to an upper-level seminar in which two faculty co-lead throughout the semester. Deborah Meizlish and Olivia Anderson (2018) provide a useful taxonomy of team teaching models in their Guide. Regardless of context or model, team teaching requires the cooperation of those who will play a role in the student learning experience. 

In this resource, we focus on the “co-facilitation” model of team teaching, which Meizlish and Anderson (2018) define in the following way:

The instructors collaboratively plan all elements of the course, from selecting readings and creating assignments to structuring individual class sessions that they jointly guide and facilitate. [. . .] Instructors share grading responsibilities and coordinate on how to provide feedback and guidance on student work. (p. 3

In co-facilitative team teaching, there is, by design, no formal lead instructor, and faculty must develop efficient ways to share the responsibilities of course design and teaching. Co-facilitation is built into some BU courses, including Cross-College Challenge courses, which are co-led by faculty from different disciplines.

Team Teaching: Across the Disciplines, Across the Academy

Kathryn M. Plank,

An edited collection of narratives of team teaching from faculty in philosophy, STEM, arts, and social work; includes a brief and useful introduction to team teaching. 

Why Team Teach?

The reasons for team teaching depend largely on the specific model. In the co-facilitation model, and in the specific context of BU Hub specialty courses, there are a host of benefits for students and for faculty. In Cross-College Challenge (XCC) and some Hub interdisciplinary courses, which are not only co-facilitative, but interdisciplinary, students benefit from seeing the ways in which their two professors bring discrete disciplinary tools and knowledge to bear on a real-world problem. Students learn where and how disciplines overlap, where they diverge, and how combined disciplinary lenses can lead to new ways of thinking about a problem. (For a definition of interdisciplinary, see below.) If, as in XCC courses, students must themselves work together in a team on a semester-long project, they may be able to combine their own disciplinary knowledge with that of their peers or their professors, thus enacting nascent interdisciplinary research. Research on interdisciplinary co-teaching suggests, at the minimum, that students develop their ability to see connections across disciplines (Halverson, 2021).

Faculty also benefit. As Kathryn M. Plank argues in Team Teaching: Across the Disciplines, Across the Academy (2011), “At its best, team teaching creates a community for better student learning, a community for faculty to learn from each other, and a community of knowledge that transcends disciplinary ways of knowing” (p. 11). Regardless of its form, team teaching works against “pedagogical solitude,” a stubborn characteristic of the university classroom (Shulman, 1993). 

Co-facilitative team teaching typically brings an array of challenges, both pedagogical and administrative. In the latter case, challenges include departmental support for team teaching. In the former case, the following are common challenges: 

  • Co-facilitation can require more work from individual faculty, as partners design together and cannot rely solely on past teaching methods. 
  • Interdisciplinary co-facilitation often requires negotiation around disciplinary methods and expectations. 
  • For students, who are most familiar with the current dominant model of one lead faculty member per course, there can be uncertainty about the role of each faculty member, as well as about issues like grading. 
Team Teaching: A Brief Summary

Taylor Halverson,
Teaching at Brigham Young University

Summarizes the benefits and challenges for students and faculty; outlines research based best practices.

Building a Teaching Partnership

In co-facilitative team teaching, faculty take time to build a relationship that accommodates overarching considerations such as teaching style and disciplinary background, as well as the everyday work of teaching, e.g., planning classes and responding to students. This becomes more important in courses that require students to work in groups on semester-long projects, as is the case in XCC courses. As Mathew Oullett and Edith Fraser write about their team teaching experience, “In true team teaching (meaning when both instructors are present and participate equally in every class meeting), there is no room for divas or divos. Students have a kind of radar that picks up instantly any kind of sustained split between teachers” (2011, p. 8). In general, teaching teams should carefully agree on their expectations of one another.

Teaching in Teams: A Planning Guide for Successful Collaborations

Deborah Meizlish and Olivia Anderson, 

Center for Research on Learning and Teaching at the University of Michigan

A six-page guide, including models, benefits, challenges, and assessment strategies; includes instructor testimonials.
Team Teaching Contract

Boston University, Cross-College Challenge.

Useful for all team teachers, this is a one-page planning “contract” for BU faculty teaching in XCC; asks faculty to agree on goals, roles, processes, interactions, and scheduling.
Pre-Term Planner for Teaching Teams
Bok Center at Harvard University
A one-page planner that includes graduate students and a lead faculty member, but can be used in co-facilitative contexts; includes a checklist for the syllabus and a detailed list of expectations and responsibilities for members of the teaching teams.

Designing a Syllabus for Team Teaching

The suggestions below provide a basic series of steps to co-design a course and are based in the research on course design, and the research on team teaching.

  1. Agree on student learning outcomes (SLOs) for the course. What do you want students to be able to do and to understand by the end of the course? What do you hope they take with them and learn to transfer to other situations? Align/arrange any Hub area learning outcomes with course learning outcomes.
  2. Use backward design to create a sequence of major assignments and class activities to be posted on a course calendar.
  3. Agree on the balance of labor during classroom sessions (see “How to Choose a Co-Teaching Model” below).
  4. Agree on the ways in which the course will take advantage of the disciplinary backgrounds of faculty as well as of students. Note, instructors may also discuss the ways in which aspects of personal identity, e.g., gender, may affect their teaching partnership. See Jessen-Marshal and Halard Lescinsky (2011) for commentary on the impact of gender on team teaching in the sciences.
    • How will the instructors bring their disciplinary modes of inquiry to the subject of the course and to teaching activities? 
    • How will students understand the benefits of interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary teaching? Unlike interdisciplinary teaching, which deliberately combines approaches from different disciplines, multidisciplinary teaching may set out different and parallel approaches to a problem. (For a full definition of interdisciplinary, see below.)
    • What are the disciplinary strengths/interests of each teacher?
XCC Faculty Team Discussion Guide
Boston University
A short discussion guide divided into three sections: course planning, pedagogical approach, and communication protocol; useful as a template across the university.
Planning Questionnaire for Preparing to Team Teach
CRLT at University of Michigan
A two-page document that helps faculty establish expectations for collaboration, including sections on goals, planning, assignments/grading, course policies, and norms around co-facilitated/in-class teaching.
How to Choose a Co-Teaching Model

Sean Cassel,
Lays out six models of team teaching that can help faculty organize classes and assign roles to one another: One Teaching, One Observing; One Teaching, One Assisting; Parallel Teaching; Station Teaching; Alternative Teaching; Team Teaching.


All Annotated Resources

Teaching in Teams: A Planning Guide for Successful Collaborations 

Deborah Meizlish and Olivia Anderson,

Center for Research on Learning and Teaching at the University of Michigan

A six-page, comprehensive guide to team teaching, including models, benefits, challenges, and assessment strategies; includes instructor testimonials.
Team Teaching: A Brief Summary

Taylor Halverson,
Teaching at Brigham Young University

Summarizes the benefits and challenges for students and faculty; outlines research based best practices. 
Team Teaching: Across the Disciplines, Across the Academy

Kathryn M. Plank,


An edited collection of narratives of team teaching from faculty in philosophy, STEM, arts, and social work; includes a brief and useful introduction to team teaching. 
How to Choose a Co-Teaching Model

Sean Cassel,


Lays out six models of team teaching that can help faculty organize classes and assign roles to one another: One Teaching, One Observing; One Teaching, One Assisting; Parallel Teaching; Station Teaching; Alternative Teaching; Team Teaching.
XCC Team Teaching Contract 

Boston University

A short discussion guide divided into three sections: course planning, pedagogical approach, and communication protocol; useful as a template across the university.
XCC Faculty Team Discussion Guide 

Boston University

A short discussion guide divided into three sections: course planning, pedagogical approach, and communication protocol; useful as a template across the university.
Pre-Term Planner for Teaching Teams

 Bok Center at Harvard

A one-page planner for teams that include graduate students and a lead faculty member, but can be used in co-facilitative contexts; includes a checklist for the syllabus and a detailed list of expectations and responsibilities for members of the teaching teams. 
Planning Questionnaire for Preparing to Team Teach 

CRLT at University of Michigan

A two-page document that helps faculty establish expectations for collaboration, including sections on goals, planning, assignments/grading, course policies, and norms around co-facilitated/in-class teaching.

A Note on the Term Interdisciplinary 

To define interdisciplinary teaching, it is helpful to first define interdisciplinary research. The National Academy of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2005) defines interdisciplinary research as “a mode of research by teams or individuals that integrates information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts, and/or theories from two or more disciplines or bodies of specialized knowledge to advance fundamental understanding or to solve problems whose solutions are beyond the scope of a single discipline or area of research practice” (p. 2). Key to this definition is the deliberate action of integrating or combining the information, data, techniques, tools, perspectives, concepts, and/or theories from two or more disciplines into one mode of inquiry. Interdisciplinary research differs from multidisciplinary research in the following way: multidisciplinary approaches may examine the same problem, but they do not deliberately combine disciplinary modes of inquiry. Interdisciplinary research can eventually lead to a new discipline, as in the cases of biochemistry and neuroscience (NC State Research Development Office). 

In the context of teaching, interdisciplinarity maintains many of these characteristics, but also adds the dimensions of modeling interdisciplinary inquiry. When scholars from different disciplines team teach, students learn how combined disciplinary lenses can illuminate new ways of thinking about a problem. Students can learn where and how disciplines overlap, where they diverge, and what it means to use combined modes of inquiry in examining a single problem.

The Difference Between Multidisciplinary, Interdisciplinary, and Convergence Research

North Carolina State University

A brief overview that disentangles these terms. 
Facilitating Interdisciplinary Research

National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, and Institute of Medicine. 

A book that “examines current interdisciplinary research efforts and recommends ways to stimulate and support such research” (2005).


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Created: October 2024
Lead Writer: Ben Keating, CTL; Editors: Deb Breen, CTL, Eric Jarvis, BU Hub.