Hub Course Enhancement Fund


The Hub Course Enhancement Fund (CEF) provides funding so faculty can experiment with an innovative approach to teaching one or more of the BU Hub areas or take advantage of special opportunities for exciting general education learning experiences in BU Hub courses. All BU faculty teaching Hub classes may apply for funding. Expenses might include those associated with attending cultural events, engaging with local communities, or materials needed to incorporate more experiential, collaborative, or project-based pedagogy into a Hub course. Awards are typically capped at $500 and are approved on a rolling basis.

Information on the CEF

  • Each BU faculty member teaching a Hub course may apply for funding once per semester (one application per course, per semester).
  • Awards are capped at $500 and are approved on a rolling basis.
  • Funding is not currently available for graduate students or postdocs.

What kind of support for learning activities may I apply for?

  • Honoraria for guest speakers
  • Tickets to cultural events
  • Transportation to site visits not accessible by public transportation
  • Materials that support innovative learning activities. Note: we will consider funding the purchase of durable material, such as technology or other equipment, only if the department offers matching funds and takes responsibility for storing and lending the equipment for future teaching uses.

Application Process

Please fill out this application form at least one month before you require the funding. We will attempt to review requests within three weeks.

If your application is successful, your department administrator will help you gain access to the funds (for reimbursement or other means, e.g., a BU-approved purchasing card). Payment and/or reimbursement must take place within the fiscal year that funds are granted. If you are requesting funds for an honorarium, be sure to contact your department administrator for important details about completing that process.

Last updated: July 3, 2023