Engaging Learners with Technology


The CTL embraces emerging technologies and digital innovations. We collaborate regularly with IS&T and the Digital Learning Initiative to shape the future of learning and redefine higher education at a 21st century private research university. Join us as we unlock new opportunities and new modes of teaching and learning, from flipped classrooms to residential online courses to interdisciplinary programs.


Digital Learning & Innovation

The DL&I was established in 2016 to strengthen Boston University’s position as a world-class higher education institution devoted to learning innovation. Led by the Associate Provost for Digital Learning & Innovation, the DL&I supports:

  • Innovative pilots and experiments to engage residential and distance learners
  • Blended classrooms and hybrid curricula
  • Fully online courses and certificate programs
  • Technology-enabled mentoring and collaboration

Digital Learning Initiative

The Digital Learning Initiative operates in an agile, start-up mode to foster and support strategic learning activities. DLI’s mission is to spearhead the University’s most innovative projects in online learning, uninhibited by pre-existing culture and structures. Among other activities, the DLI:

  • Serves as BU’s liaison with the edX platform
  • Acts as the hub of BU’s MOOC production
  • Facilitates campus-wide digital learning innovation via CETLI/DLI grants program
  • Follows developments in the digital learning space and helps formulate the University’s digital learning strategy
  • Proactively formulates and pursues key digital learning strategic initiatives

Educational Technology

CTL works in close collaboration with the Educational Technology Group to support the following services:

Read the description of each service or consult with an Educational Technologist to learn more. The Educational Technology Blog offers a showcase for faculty technology innovations across Boston University’s campuses.

The Faculty Link

The Faculty Link at Boston University is a resource for faculty instructors and faculty advisors. The Faculty Link provides access to class schedules, class lists, final exam schedules, advisee lists, class photographs, textbook information, links to course websites, and a Faculty Annual Report template.

The functions relevant to management of your courses are listed on the Faculty Link under Instructor’s Tools. This section of the Link provides individual class lists, photo galleries of students enrolled in your classes, textbook adoption information, links to courseware, entry of grades, and other items relevant to course management. Faculty members can also access information on individual students through the Faculty Link.