Publications from CURA Faculty and Researchers
2024| 2021| 2020| 2019| 2018| 2017| 2016| 2015 |2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005| 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1994 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991
Items in bold have become points of reference on their topics.
Manglos-Weber, Nicolette (2024). What’s behind the grad student strike at Boston University? The Christian Century.
Jeremy Menchik, 2022. “The Politics of the Fatwa: Islamic Legal Authority in Modern Indonesia.” Indonesia, vol. 114, 2022, p. 75-97. doi:10.1353/ind.2022.0012
Jeremy Menchik, 2022. with Colm Fox. “Islamic Political Parties and Election Campaigns in Indonesia.” Party Politics (May 2022).
Lance D. Laird and Samsiah Abdul-Majid. “Muslim Chaplains in the Clinical Borderlands: Authority, Function, and Identity”. Journal of Religion and Health. 2022.
Artyom H. Tonoyan. For the Cross and the Land: Radical Counter-Secularization in Russia. Academia.
Kecia Ali, ed. Half of Faith: American Muslim Marriage and Divorce in the Twenty-First Century (Boston: OpenBU, 2021).
Ash, Ellie. “How Americans View Jews,” Bloomsbury Religions in North America Digital Resource, Forthcoming.
Hinton, Alexander Laban. It Can Happen Here: White Power and the Rising Threat of Genocide in the US. NYU Press, 2021.
McClendon, G., & Beatty Riedl, R. (2021). Using Sermons to Study Religions’ Influence on Political Behavior. Comparative Political Studies, 54(5), 779-822.
Menchik, Jeremy. “Woodrow Wilson and the Spirit of Liberal Internationalism,” Politics, Religion & Ideology. 22(2). DOI: 10.1080/21567689.2021.1904910 . 2021.
Smith, Amy Erica, and Robin Globus Veldman. “Evangelical Environmentalists? Evidence from Brazil”. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion. Volume 59, Issue 2. p. 341-359.
Lele, Amod.“Disengaged Buddhism,” Journal of Buddhist Ethics 26: 240-89, 2019.
Menchik, Jeremy. “Moderate Muslims and Democratic Breakdown in Indonesia.” Asian Studies Review. 43(3), 2019, 415-433.
Patterson, Amy S. “When to Speak? Church Advocacy on Galamsey and Mental Health in Ghana.” The Review of Faith & International Affairs, 16:1, 37-50, DOI: 10.1080/15570274.2018.1433589. 2008.
Kuperus, Tracy. “Democratization, Religious Actors, and Political Influence: A Comparison of Christian Councils in Ghana and South Africa,” Africa Today, 64:3, Spring 2018, 29-51.
Menchik, Jeremy. “Beyond Secular Democracy: Religion, Politics, and Modernity.” International Studies Review. 20(4), 2018, 704-722.
Menchik, Jeremy. “Crafting Indonesian Democracy: Inclusion-Moderation and the Sacralizing of the Postcolonial State.” Democratic Transition in the Muslim World: A Global Perspective. Alfred Stepan, ed. New York: Columbia University Press.
Menchik, Jeremy. “Soft Separation Democracy,” Politics and Religion. 11(4), 2018, 863-883.
Song, Bin. “Confucianism, Gapponshugi, and the Spirit of Japanese Capitalism,” in Confucian Academy (English-Chinese bilingual), 2018 (04): 79-89, 176-188.
Longman, Timothy. Memory and Justice in Post-Genocide Rwanda, Cambridge University Press, 2017.
Robert W. Hefner, Ed., Shari’a Law and Modern Muslim Ethics, Indiana University Press; Reprint edition, 2016
Adam Seligman, Rahel Wasserfall, and David Montgomery, Living with Difference: How to Build Community in a Divided World, University of California Press, 2016
Jeffrey W. Rubin, Ed., and Vivienne Bennett, Ed., Enduring Reform: Progressive Activism and Private Sector Responses in Latin America’s Democracies, Pitt Latin American Series, 2015.
Robert Weller, and Lizhu Fan, Ed., “Religion and Public Life in China’s Lower Yangzi Region”, Shanghai People’s Press, 2015
Robert P. Weller, Global Religious Changes and Civil Life in Two Chinese Societies: A Comparison of Jiangsu and Taiwan, Rutledge, 2015.
Peter L. Berger, The Many Altars of Modernity: Toward a Paradigm for Religion in a Pluralist Age, De Gruyter Mouton, 2014
Adam B. Seligman, Ed., Religious Education and the Challenge of Pluralism, Oxford University Press, 2014
Robert P. Weller and Adam B. Seligman, Pluralism and Chinese Religions: Constructing Social Worlds through Memory, Mimesis, and Metaphor, Review of Religion and Chinese Society, Brill, 2014
Brian J. Grim, Todd M. Johnson, Vegard Skirbekk, and Gina Zurlo, Eds, Yearbook of International Religous Demography 2014, Brill, 2014
Robert Weller, “The Politics of Increasing Religious Diversity in China” Daedalus 143 (2), Spring 2014, pp. 1-10.
Robert W. Hefner, Ed., and Peter L. Berger (Afterword), Global Pentecostalism in the 21st Century, Indiana University Press, 2013
Rubin, Jeffrey W., Sustaining Activisim: A Brazilian Women’s Movement and a Father-Daughter Collaboration, Duke University Press Books, 2013.
Nancy Tatom Ammerman, Sacred Spaces: Religion and Spirituality in Everyday Life, Oxford University Press, 2013
Todd M. Johnson and Brian J. Grim, The World’s Religions in Figures: An Introduction to International Religious Demography, Wiley-Blackwell, 2013
Adam B. Seligman and Robert P. Weller, Rethinking Pluralism: Ritual, Experience, and Ambiguity, Oxford University Press, 2012
Robert P. Weller, Ed., and Scott E. Guggenheim, Ed., Power and Protest in the Countryside: Studies of Rural Unrest in Asia, Europe, and Latin America, Duke University Press Books, 2012
Robert W. Hefner, Islamic Law and Society in the Modern World, Indiana University Press, 2011
Peter Berger, Ed.,
Between Relativism and Fundamentalism, Cambridge, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., 2010.
Brian J. Grim and Roger Finke, The Price of Freedom Denied, Cambridge University Press, 2010
Peter Berger and Anton Zijderveld, In Praise of Doubt, HarperOne, 2010.
Peter Berger, Grace Davie and Effie Fokas, Religious America, Secular Europe? A Theme and Variations, Hampshire, Ashgate Publishing Company, 2008.
Robert W. Hefner, Making Modern Muslims: The Politics of Islamic Education in Southeast Asia, University of Hawaii Press, 2008.\
Wallace L. Daniel, Peter L. Berger, Christopher Marsh (eds.), Perspectives in Church-State Relations in Russia,Waco, J. M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies Baylor University, 2008.
Lawrence Schlemmer, Dormant Capital: Pentecostalism in South Africa, Johannesburg, CDE, 2008.
Adam B. Seligman, Robert P. Weller, Michael J. Puett, and Bennett Simon, Ritual and Its Consequences: An Essay on the Limits of Sincerity, Oxford University Press, 2008.
Christopher Marsh and Daniel Payne (eds.), Religion, Culture and Conflict in the “other” Christiandom, Special issue of Nationalities Papers , November 2007.
Wallace Daniel and Christopher Marsh (eds.), Editorial: Russia’s 1997 Law on Freedom of Conscience in Context and Retrospect J. of Church and State (2007) 49 (1): 5-17
Shlomo Fischer and Adam Seligman (eds.), The Burden of Tolerance – Religious Traditions and the Challenge of Pluralism (in Hebrew), Jerusalem, Van Leer Institute, 2007.
Jonathan Imber (ed.), Markets, Morals & Religion, New Brunswick, Transaction Publishers, 2007.
Robert Hefner and Muhammad Zaman (eds.), Schooling Islam: The Culture and Politics of Modern Muslim Education, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2007.
Nancy Ammerman (ed.), Everyday Religion: Observing Modern Religious Lives , Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2007.
Stephen Prothero (ed.), A Nation of Religions: The Politics of Pluralism in Multireligious America, Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 2006.
Robert Weller, Discovering Nature: Globalization and Environmental Culture in China and Taiwan, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006.
Korean version of # 33: Seoul, Ifield Publishing, 2005.
Robert Weller (ed.), Civil Life, Globalization, and Political Change in Asia, London, Routledge, 2005.
Russian version of # 33: Aspect Press, Moscow, Russia, 2004.
Linda Learman (ed.), Buddhist Missionaries in the Era of Globalization, Honolulu, University of Hawa’i Press, 2005.
Christopher Marsh (ed.), Burden or Blessing? Russian Orthodoxy and the Construction of Civil Society and Democracy, Boston, MA, CURA, 2004.
Robert Hefner (ed.), Remaking Muslim Politics: Pluralism, Contestation, Democratization, Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2004.
Jonathan Imber (ed.), Therapeutic Culture: Triumph and Defeat, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction Publishers, 2004.
Peter Fromkin and Jonathan Imber (eds.), In Search of the Nonprofit Sector, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction Publishers, 2004.
Forum Bosnae, Tolerance and Religion (in Bosnian), Sarajevo, 2004.
Adam Seligman (ed.) Modest Claims: Dialogues and Essay on Tolerance and Tradition, Notre Dame, Indiana,University of Notre Dame Press, 2004.
Anna Länström (ed.), The Stranger’s Religion: Fascination and Fear, Vol.24 Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, April, 2004.
Karl Bohler and Hansfried Kelner, Auf der Suche nach Effizienz, Frankfurt Campus, 2004.
Adam Seligman (ed.) “Essays on the Religious Roots of Tolerance: Arguments from within Monotheism”Journal of Human Rights, Vol. II, #1, March 2003.
Turkish version of # 33: Peter L. Berger and Samuel Huntington (eds.), Bir Küre Bin Bir Küresellesme: Çagdas Dünyada Kültürel Çesitlilik, Istanbul, Kitap Yayinevi Ltd.,2003.
Anna Lännström (ed.), Promise and Peril: The Paradox of Religion as Resource and Threat, Vol.23, Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame Press, April 2003.
Chinese version of # 33: Taipei, China Times Publishing Co., 2002.
Spanish version of # 33: Peter L. Berger and Samuel P. Huntington (eds.), Globalizaciones múltiples: La diversidad cultural en el mundo contemporáneo, Barcelona, Paidós, 2002.
Janos Kovács (ed.), Cultural Globalization in Hungary (in Hungarian), Budapest, Sik, 2002.
Jonathan B. Imber (ed.), Searching for Science Policy, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction Publishers, 2002.
(Italian version)Adam B. Seligman, La Scommessa della Modernita, Rome, Meltemi Editore Srl, 2002.
Brigitte Berger, The Family in the Modern Age: More than a Lifestyle Choice, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction Publishers, 2002.
Peter L. Berger and Samuel P. Huntington (eds.), Many Globalizations: Cultural Diversity In the Contemporary World, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002.
Robert Hefner (ed.), Pluralism, Civil Society and Democracy (in Indonesian), Yoga, LKIS, 2001.
David Martin, Pentecostalism:The World Their Parish, Oxford, Blackwell, 2001.
Laura Nash and Scotty McLennan, Church on Sunday, Work on Monday, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 2001.
Robert Hefner (ed.), The Politics of Multiculturalism: Pluralism and Citizenship in Malaysia, Singapore, and Indonesia. Honolulu, University of Hawa’i Press, 2001.
Robert Weller et al., Civil Associations in Contemporary Chinese Cities (booklet-in Chinese), Taipei, Academia Sinica, 2001.Peggy Levitt, The Transnational Villagers, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2001.
Mariano Ben Plotkin, Freud in the Pampas, Stanford, Stanford University Press, 2001.
Adam Seligman (ed.), Tolerance and Tradition (in Bosnian), Sarajevo, Forum Bosnae, 2001.
Gordon Redding (ed.) Invisible Corporate Citizenship (booklet), Fontainebleau, INSEAD, 2001.
Mariano Plotkin and Ricardo Gonzalez Leandri (eds.), Localismo y Globalizacion: Aportes para una historia de los intelectuales en Iberoámerica, Madrid, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas, 2000.
Adam Seligman, Modernity’s Wager: Authority, the Self and Transcendence, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2000.
Mark Lichbach and Adam Seligman, Market and Community: The Basis of Social Order, Revolution and Relegitimation, University Park, PA Pennsylvania State University Press, 2000.
Marilyn Halter, Shopping for Identity: The Marketing of Ethnicity, New York, Shocken, 2000.
Robert Hefner, Civil Islam: Muslims and Democratization in Indonesia, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 2000.
Robert Hefner, Islam, Pasar, Keadilan: Artikulasi Lokal Kapitalisme, dan Demokrasi (“Islam Markets, and Justice:Local Articulátions of Capitalism and Democracy”), Yogyakarta, LKIS Yogyakarta Press, 2000.Anton Zijderveld, The Institutional Imperative:The Interface of Institutions and Networks, Amsterdam University Press, 2000.
Charles Glenn, The Ambiguous Embrace:Government and Faith-based Schools and Social Services, Princeton University Press, 2000.
(Chinese version) Laura Nash, Believers in Business, Hong Kong, Logos, 1999Eugene Goodheart, Does Literary Studies Have a Future? , Madison, Wisconsin, University of Wisconsin Press, 1999.
Robert Weller, Alternate Civilities: Democracy and Culture in China and Taiwan, Boulder, Colorado, Westview Press, 1999.
Anton Zijderveld, The Waning of the Welfare State: The End of Comprehensive State Succor, New Brunswick, New Jersey, Transaction, 1999.
Nancy Smith-Hefner, Khmer American: Identity and Moral Education in a Diasporic Community, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1998.
Robert Wuthnow, Loose Connections: Joining Together in America’s Fragmented Communities, Cambridge, Harvard University Press, 1998.
Robert Hefner (ed.), Democratic Civility: The History and Cross-cultural Possibility of a Modern Political Ideal, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1998.
Ann Bernstein and Peter Berger (eds.), Business and Democracy: Cohabitation or Contradiction? London, Cassell Academic, 1998.
Anton Zijderveld, A Theory of Urbanity: The Economic and Civic Culture of Cities, New Brunswick, New Jersey, Transaction, 1998.
Robert Hefner (ed.), Market Cultures: Society and Morality in the New Asian Capitalisms, Boulder Colorado, Westview 1998.
Adam Seligman, The Problem of Trust, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1997.
Joe Loconte, Seducing the Samaritan: How Government Contracts are Reshaping Social Services, Boston, Pioneer, 1997.
Adele Thomas, Beyond Affirmative Action: Managing Diversity for Competitive Advantage in South Africa(booklet), Ravelburg (South Africa), Knowledge Resources, 1997.
Nancy Ammerman, Congregation and Community, New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press, 1997.
Ann Bernstein (ed.), Business and Government in South Africa (booklet), Johannesburg, CDE, 1996.David Martin, Forbidden Revolutions: Pentecostalism in Latin America, Catholicism in Eastern Europe, London, SPCK, 1996.
Laura Nash, Atlanta’s Business Culture: Reexamining Corporate Civil Responsibility (booklet), Boston, ISEC, 1996.
Ann Bernstein (ed.), Business, Economic Growth and Civil Society (booklet), Johannesburg, CDE,1996.
Peter Berger et al., Business and Democracy: Cohabitation or Contradiction? (booklet), Johannesburg, CDE, 1996.
(Arabic version) Brigitte Berger (ed.), The Culture of Entrepreneurship, Cairo, IPDH, 1995.Michael Novak (ed.), To Empower People: From State to Civil Society, Washington, AEI Press, 1996.
Max Stackhouse (ed.), Christian Social Ethics in a Global Era, Nashville, Abingdon, 1995.
Marilyn Halter, New Migrants in the Marketplace: Boston’s Ethnic Entrepreneurs, Amherst, University of Massachusetts Press, 1995.
Joan Estruch, Saints and Schemers: Opus Dei and Its Paradoxes, New York, Oxford University Press, 1995.
Charles Dellheim, The Disenchanted Isle: Mrs. Thatcher’s Capitalist Revolution, New York, Norton,1995.
Thomas Langston, With Reverence and Contempt: How Americans Think About Their Presidents, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1995.
Ashis Gupta, Indian Entrepreneurial Culture, New Delhi, Wishwa Prakashan, 1994.
Laura Nash, Believers in Business, Nashville, Nelson, 1994.
János Mátyás Kovács (ed.), Transition to Capitalism?, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction, 1994.
Brigitte Berger (ed.), Esprit d’enterprise: cultures et societes, Paris, Maxima, 1994.
Claudio Veliz, The New World of the Gothic Fox: Culture and Economy in English and Spanish America, Berkeley, University of California Press, 1994.
Cecilia Mariz, Coping with Poverty: Pentecostals and Christian Base Communities in Brazil, Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1994.
Frank Heuberger and Laura Nash (eds.), A Fatal Embrace? – Assessing Holistic Trends in Human Resources Programs, New Brunswick, NJ, 1994.
Joan Estruch, Santos y pillos: el Opus Dei y sus paradojas, Barcelona, Herder, 1994.
Trutz Rendtorff ( ed. ), Protestantische Revolution? – Kirche und Theologie in der DDR, Gottingen, Vandehoeck & Ruprecht, 1993.
Joan Estruch, L’Opus Dei I Les Seves Paradoxes:Un Estudi Sociologic, Barcelona, Edicions 62, 1993 (Catalan).
Andrew Campbell and Laura Nash, A Sense of Mission: Defining Direction for the Large Corporation, Reading, MA, Addison-Wesley, 1992.
Ann Bernstein (ed.), Democracy, Development and Economic Growth (booklet), Johannesburg, Urban Foundation, 1992.
Peter Berger, Democracy and Capitalism (booklet), Johannesburg, Urban Foundation, 1992.Richard Whitley, Business Systems in East Asia: Firms, Markets and Societies, London, Sage Publications, 1992.
Thomas Langston, Ideologues and Presidents: From the New Deal to the Reagan Revolution, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1992.
Barry Levine (ed.), El desafío neoliberal: El fin del tercermundismo en América Latina, Bogota, Norma, 1992.Hansfried Kellner and Frank Heuberger (eds.), Hidden Technocrats: The New Class and New Capitalism, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction, 1992.
Brigitte Berger (ed.), The Culture of Entrepreneurship, San Francisco, ICS Press, 1991.
Uri Ra’anan et al. (eds.), State and Nation in Multi-Ethnic Societies, Manchester, Manchester University Press, 1991.
Erich Froschl, Maria Mesner and Uri Ra’anan (eds.), Staat und Nation in multi-ethnischen Gesellschaften, Vienna, Passagen- Verlag, 1991.
Craig Gay, With Liberty and Justice for Whom? – The Recent Evangelical Debate over Capitalism, Grand Rapids, MI, Eerdmans, 1991.
Kuniko Miyanaga, The Creative Edge: Emerging Individualism in Japan, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction, 1991.
Peter Berger (ed.), The Capitalist Spirit: Toward a Religious Ethic of Wealth Creation, San Francisco, ICS Press, 1990.
Gordon Redding, The Spirit of Chinese Capitalism, Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 1990.
David Martin, Tongues of Fire: The Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America, Oxford, Blackwell, 1990.
Peter Berger and Leon Klenicki (eds.), Desarrollo humano y crecimiento económico, Bógota, CELAM, 1990.Shelley Green and Paul Pryde, Black Entrepreneurship in America, New Brunswick, NJ, Transaction, 1990.