Community Experiences of the Pandemic: Part I

Clinical research at the Danielsen Institute involves an integrative approach with the goal of enhancing our clinical services through an ongoing process of reflection, learning, and growth in dialogue within our community of practice. The stressful context of the COVID-19 pandemic led us to ask about its impact on the Danielsen Institute’s community of clients. As part of our most recent clinical assessment, we asked the community about mental health, well-being, and specifically the effects of the pandemic.

We received such rich responses to these questions that we’re organizing our summary in two parts. In Part I, we offer a summary of the responses to three questions about challenges, benefits, and new insights related to the pandemic so our community can learn from one another during these difficult times. In Part II, we’ll summarize some key findings related to mental health and well-being. 

Click here to read about our findings and recommendations for navigating some challenges of this pandemic