Danielsen Institute Research Presented at 2023 SPR Meeting

Four members of the Danielsen Institute team attended and presented at the July 2023 international meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. Held at Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland, the conference included great opportunities to learn about emerging research, connect with current collaborators, and explore new possibilities with researchers from various countries. In attendance to represent the Institute were Steven J. Sandage (Director of Research), Sarah Crabtree (Assistant Director of Research), Elise Choe (Staff Research & Clinician), and Lauren Kehoe (Director of Administration and Finance). Frequent Danielsen collaborator, Peter Jankowski, also presented some of our research on Covid-19 and on the working alliance. This research was supported by a generous grant from the John F. Templeton Foundation. References for the specific panels and presentations are below.


Choe, E.J.Y., Davis, D.E., Jankowski, P.J., Sandage, S.J., & Crabtree, S.A. (2023, June). Measuring relational virtues psychotherapy. Presentation at the International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Dublin, Ireland.

Choe, E.J.Y., & Sandage, S.J. (2023, June). Practice-based and depth-oriented psychotherapy research: Challenges and opportunities. Presentation at the International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Dublin, Ireland.

Crabtree, S.A., Captari, L.E., Hydinger, K.R., & Sandage, S.J. (2023, June). Therapist virtue embodiment as a pathway to corrective experiencing. Presentation at the International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Dublin, Ireland.

Jankowski, P.J., Sandage, S.J., & Crabtree, S.A. (2023, June). The moderating influence of Religiousness/Spirituality on Covid-19 impact and change in psychotherapy. Presentation at the International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Dublin, Ireland.

Jankowski, P.J., Sandage, S.J., Kehoe, L., Stein, L., Choe, E.J.Y., Captari, L., & Crabtree, S. (2023, June). The contribution of the system alliance and virtues to change in psychodynamic psychotherapy. Presentation at the International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Dublin, Ireland.

Sandage, S.J. (Organizer/Moderator). (2023, June). Spirituality, religion, and psychotherapy research. Panel at the International Annual Meeting of the Society for Psychotherapy Research, Dublin, Ireland.