One-and-a-half years and still going strong at Rosie’s Place

WomentoWomen-200Women to Women is a collaborative effort among the Wellness Clinic at Rosie’s Place, the Boston University Student Chapter of the American Association of Women Dentists (AAWD), and GSDM’s Division of Community Health Programs (CHP). The partnership began in March 2011 and was spearheaded by now AAWD President Josephine Verde DMD 13.

Friday, July 13, 2012 marked the 17th consecutive month that GSDM was at Rosie’s Place on Harrison Avenue to participate in the Women to Women Program. The program strives to assess and address the oral health needs of the women who seek services at Rosie’s Place, a sanctuary for homeless, battered, and displaced women.

On one Friday each month, AAWD members and CHP faculty are on site for several hours to answer questions, distribute home care products, and offer dental screenings and related advice to women at Rosie’s Place. To date, GSDM has provided 168 screenings and information to many more. Volunteers distribute about 144 toothbrushes and tubes of toothpaste every month.

Verde, who was unable to attend this most recent event because she is away on externship, said, “I would like to thank all the volunteers, including not only the AAWD members but others who have helped us with this effort, such as the male students who have volunteered. We have aspirations to make the program a continued success and are working hard to keep the program running well and find a steady source of volunteers.”

In addition to providing oral health resources to women at Rosie’s Place, the event is a valuable opportunity for GSDM students.

“It’s a good experience for the students, both male and female, and we have had several males volunteer,” says Oral Health Promotion Director Kathy Lituri. “It’s a good chance for the students to interact with the medical team, nursing students, and members of AAWD. And, we are fulfilling a need.”

Along with Oral Health Promotion Director Kathy Lituri, volunteers included: Alekhya Deepthi Badam AS 13, Antolnela Dhamko DMD 13, Navid Kabiri AS 13, BU pre-dent student Clare Kim, Melissa Knudsen DMD 13, UMass pre-dent student Lillian Lwanga, Manu Sharma AS 13, and BU pre-dent student Asia Yip.