Academic Conduct Code

Boston University’s Academic Conduct Code is designed to assist in the development of a supportive and productive learning environment. It is both a description of the University’s ethical expectations of students as well as a guarantee of students’ rights and responsibilities as members of a learning community. The Code provides clarity related to policy and procedure regarding academic conduct.

In addition to the University’s Academic Conduct Code, the dental profession follows high ethical standards, which are embodied in the American Dental Association Principles of Ethics and Code of Professional Conduct (ADA Code). The ADA Code is, in effect, a written expression of the obligations arising from the implied contract between dental professionals and their patients, as well as the larger society, and should be adopted and practiced throughout the dental school educational process and subsequent professional career.

Read the GSDM Academic Conduct Code.

Read the Boston University Academic Conduct Code.

Read the American Dental Association Code.

Designated Academic Integrity Representative (DAIR)
Lori Davis
Director of Strategic Initiatives

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