GSDM celebrates first-ever hybrid White Coat Ceremony 

As members of the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine Doctor of Dental Medicine (DMD) Class of 2023 and the Doctor of Dental Medicine Advanced Standing (DMD AS) Class of 2022 lined up to enter the Metcalf Hall in the George Sherman Union, their white coats folded on their right arm, the world was […]

GSDM aims to address dental assistant shortage with training program

One could say that the dental assistant is the right hand of the dentist—or, perhaps, a mind reader.  “They’re there to help the dentist by anticipating their needs, preparing for procedures, and if they’re a good assistant, actually allowing the dentist to do better dentistry,” said Dr. Margaret Errante, associate dean for Quality Management, Compliance […]

GSDM first U.S. dental school to install, implement Carbon M Series 3D printer

Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM) installed and implemented a Carbon M series 3D printer earlier this semester, becoming the first dental school in the United States to acquire this system. “The collaboration with Carbon is the latest example of our school’s innovative approach to developing strategic partnerships with leading technology […]

Eleven GSDM alumni inducted into ACD

Eleven alumni of the Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine were inducted into the American College of Dentists on October 15, 2020, via a virtual, live-streamed ceremony. The Convocation of Fellows included the affirmation of fellowship, the roll call of new fellows, an awards presentation, and remarks from guest speaker Major General Richard W. […]

GSDM welcomes DMD Class of 2024 and DMD AS Class of 2022 — virtually

On Friday, July 31, 2020, at precisely 11:00 a.m., the newest members of the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM) community launched the video conferencing application Zoom. At the same time, in the dental school’s auditorium at 635 Albany Street, Dean Jeffrey W. Hutter, clad in a mask, approached the lectern […]

GSDM receives award renewal from HRSA for dual Pediatric Dentistry and Dental Public Health program

Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine’s departments of Health Policy & Health Services Research and Pediatric Dentistry recently received almost $3 million from the federal Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) to train the next generation of pediatric dentists and dental public health experts. The $2.8 million grant, a five-year extension of […]

Patient care in the time of coronavirus

Imagine it’s a sunny day in July 2020, and you’re arriving at the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School of Dental Medicine (GSDM) at 635 Albany Street for a dental procedure. You’ve already been screened for symptoms of COVID-19 over the phone twice—once 48 hours before your appointment, and once this morning. When you arrive […]