
Looking for information about Commencement? Searching for student organizations? Need housing?

To make your life easier, we’ve gathered the information and resources you need in the sidebar of this page. From course descriptions to career opportunities, you’ll find a variety of forms and links to University policies.


News & Resources

Back2BU – Information and resources for returning to campus during the Fall semester.

COVID Return to Campus Checklist

Boston University COVID-19 Information – The university’s website of frequently asked questions to address some of the most pressing coronavirus issues facing the University community, from housing to academics to health and safety to communication to residence life and dining services and more.

BUMC COVID-19 Information – This BUMC website provides links to information concerning BU Medical Campus preparedness and response, guidance for travelers, and important resources for faculty, staff and students. It will be updated with additional pertinent information for the Medical Campus community, as warranted.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging Committee – DEIBAC is charged with systematically evaluating the school’s current climate related to diversity, inclusion, equity, and belonging and implementing ongoing strategies to improve that institutional climate.