Forms and Policies

Boston University takes great pride in the academic and personal achievements of its many students and alumni with disabilities. The University is committed to providing equal and integrated access for individuals with disabilities to all the academic, social, cultural, and recreational programs it offers. This commitment is consistent with legal requirements, including Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act as Amended (ADAAA) of 2008. and embodies the University’s historic determination to ensure the inclusion of all members of its communities.

Students with appropriately documented disabilities who are enrolled in Boston University courses or programs may be eligible for reasonable accommodations. Students seeking accommodations must provide appropriate documentation of their disability so that Disability & Access Services can determine the student’s eligibility for accommodations; and if the student is eligible, determine appropriate academic accommodations.

Disability Verification Forms

Please download all applicable disability verifications forms below. Have your provider fill them out and please upload them to your portal before your first meeting.

  1. Learning Disability
  2. ADHD Disability
  3. Psychiatric/ Anxiety
  4. Medical Disability
  5. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)
  6. Visual Impairment 
  7. Temporary Impairment
  8. Food-Related Medical Conditions  
  9. Medical Housing Accommodations