Accommodations & Documentation

Students with qualifying disabilities who are enrolled in Boston University courses or programs may be eligible for reasonable accommodations. Students seeking accommodations must engage in an interactive process with, and provide appropriate documentation of their disability to, Disability & Access Services (DAS).

DAS is happy to assist visiting students, non-traditional students, and faculty and staff who are taking courses.

Appropriate documentation varies greatly depending on disability diagnosis, provider preferences, and the student’s state or country of origin. If you have any questions, feel free to call or email us for clarification.

All documentation must be signed by a medical or mental health practitioner licensed to diagnose by their state or country of practice. Specialization (e.g., MD, NP, PhD, etc.) and license number must be included.

Generally speaking, the following documentation will probably have the information we need:
*Full neuropsychological or psychoeducational evaluation, ideally from within the last three years and using adult metrics.
*Clinical letter from a medical or mental health provider, on official letterhead, from within the last year.
*Complete Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) and 504 Plans (except the Exit Summary).

Accommodation letters from previous institutions, clinical notes, confirmation letters from standardized tests, diagnosis lists, and visit summaries usually don’t have the information we need and should only be submitted as a supplement to other documentation.

If you or your provider are not sure what documentation to submit, use one of our disability verification forms, which ask specific questions based on the type of disability or accommodation:

  1. Learning Disability
  2. ADHD Disability
  3. Psychiatric/Anxiety
  4. Medical Disability
  5. Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (mTBI)
  6. Visual Impairment 
  7. Temporary Disability
  8. Food-Related Medical Conditions 
  9. Housing Accommodations