Communities & Networks

We’re a collection of people from all corners of the University, organized around activities and goals related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. While we’re proud of the efforts we’re making and the conversations we’re sparking, this work belongs to everybody. In this section, you’ll find information on faculty/staff community networks (our version of employee resource groups), research networks, diversity and inclusion teams around the University, and ways to connect with us.

Faculty & Staff Community Networks

Faculty & Staff Community Networks (FSCNs), or employee resource groups (see list below), are identity-based organizations led by BU faculty and staff with the goals of building connections and fostering a sense of belonging among their respective community members and allies. The overarching mission: to catalyze a deeper sense of unity among individuals from marginalized and/or historically excluded communities and their allies and to ensure that the University remains an institution where differences are understood to be a source of mutual power, insight, and effectiveness. As such, our FSCNs are open to all members of the communities they serve (and their allies). The missions of FSCNs cannot be designed to advance specific political viewpoints or ideologies.


Read more about FSCNs here.

Luncheons & Receptions

April 11: Faculty & Staff of Color Luncheon

April 18: LGBTQIA+ Faculty & Staff Luncheon