The Power Millennials Don’t Know They Have
We know the millennial generation is the most racially diverse in American history, but the question is: Do they know it?
Vote Like Your Health Depends on It
If mismanagement of a pandemic, widespread corruption, impeachment, the end of government oversight and accountability, racism, the caging of immigrant children, abuse of the powers of the state, and continued voter suppression are not enough to decide your vote this election season, here are seven public health issues that might guide your thinking. The four […]
Why Should Young People Vote?
Ask most any student this year and they’ll tell you there’s a lot at stake in the 2020 presidential election. Climate change. Social and racial inequities. A pandemic that has already claimed the lives of 215,000 Americans. The future of the Supreme Court. But the big question is: will young voters actually vote?
The Changing Racial and Ethnic Composition of the U.S. Electorate
In battleground states, Hispanics grew more than other racial or ethnic groups as a share of eligible voters.