Learn More Research Grants

Research Grants provide up to $5,000 in funding to BU faculty members and postdoctoral associates and fellows to support high-impact research on social issues related to the year’s theme. 

Research Grants are designed to provide or supplement funding for new or ongoing work that advances our understanding and knowledge through interdisciplinary research teams and creative methodologies, resulting in academic or non-academic publications as well as presentations. Through these grants, BU D&I supports the work of scholars seeking to advance equity and justice in any academic domain. 

Grantees will be required to submit a final report at the end of the grant period, including a general summary of the spending of their grant funds. They should also be prepared to engage with the BU Diversity & Inclusion office to publicize their projects, programs, or group learning during the grant period or after it has concluded. Grantees will be invited to participate in the Grants Celebration in April 2025.  Questions about this grant can be directed to odi@bu.edu.

Who can apply? 

Applicants must be BU faculty or a postdoc associate/fellow whose contract extends through the grant year. However, faculty and staff members from BU and other institutions can participate on research teams. 

What are the criteria? 

Preference will be given to those proposals that engage students in the research process and/or are interdisciplinary in nature.  Applicants who are postdoc associates or fellows must also include a brief letter of support from their faculty supervisor on departmental letterhead or sent via their BU email affirming that the applicant can conduct the proposed research project during the grant year. 

Your application must include:

  • The names of research team members, including their title and institution.  
  • One to two paragraphs describing the research project and its goals.  
  • One paragraph describing how your research aligns with Boston University’s Diversity Statement and/or BU 2030 Strategic Priorities #3 – Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, and #4 – Community, Big Yet Small.
  • One paragraph describing how your research will advance knowledge or understanding of the year’s Learn More Series theme (AY 24-25: Indigenous Identities and Experiences). The Learn More Series specifically seeks to answer the following questions about the annual theme: 
    • What is it? 
    • How does it work? 
    • Where does it manifest? 
    • How do we interrupt it?  
  • One paragraph describing how the proposed research project seeks to disrupt or interrupt institutional and/or systemic oppression related to the annual theme and/or spur social change.  
  • A budget proposal that specifies the total amount requested (up to $5,000). Grant funds may not be used to pay or provide stipends to Boston University faculty or staff members. Payment to students (undergraduate or graduate) is permissible. Other funding sources or requested funding sources should be reported. 
    • If the applicant is a postdoc associate/fellow, a letter of support from the faculty supervisor must be submitted on departmental letterhead or through their BU email account. The faculty supervisor is asked to affirm that the applicant is able to conduct the proposed research project during the grant year. Please note that any grant funds are to be used at BU and will not be transferred to another institution. 

      2024-25 Learn More Research Grant application cycle 

      March 4, 2024 Applications open
      April 19, 2024 Applicants close
      May 20, 2024 Award letters sent
      July 1, 2024 Grant cycle begins
      June 30, 2025 Grant cycle closes
      July 31, 2025 Final budget and report due

      Application Submission

      The 24-25 application cycle is now closed.

      The application is a Google Form. If prompted by Google to sign in, please use your BU credentials to access the application form.

      Please join BU D&I for an information session:

      Learn More Grants Information Session TBA TBA

      Grants Celebration

      We welcome you to celebrate the work and research of our BU Diversity & Inclusion grant recipients. Our grant recipients are invited to present their work in a poster gallery to showcase it to the community. Explore their work here.