Tools You Can Use

Looking for instructor teaching and learning tools? This growing list of faculty resources includes teaching guides, technology tools, assessment options, FAQs, training schedules, and more.

Teaching Guides & Resources: View a variety of educator guides focusing on active and blended learning, inclusive teaching, syllabus design, and others — offered by the Center for Teaching & Learning. Access the guides.

Media Production Support: Shipley Center digital learning designers and media producers provide multimedia creation and course design services for BU faculty and staff interested in developing digital or blended learning experiences. Learn more.

Technology Tools & Support: Access tools designed to support the teaching and learning experience at BU. Read about Blackboard, MyMedia, Turnitin, ePortfolio, GradeScope, and other BU-sponsored technologies here.

Explore Adobe Creative Cloud Products: Learn how to obtain your university-sponsored license and explore ways to transform the teaching and learning experience through the use of digital media. Read more.

Workshops & Trainings: Did you know there are weekly Blackboard, Google Jamboard, MyMedia, and Pronto trainings and drop-in sessions? View the schedule.


Connect with a Faculty Community of Practice: Faculty meet two-to-three times a semester, discuss innovations and challenges in the classroom, share best practices, and collaborate on a variety of faculty-facing topics. Learn more.


Popular Resources & Guides

One-on-one and Small Group Consultations

The Shipley Center, Educational Technology, and the Center for Teaching & Learning offer consultations to BU leadership and faculty interested in pedagogical guidance, technology support and training, multimedia production, and digital education pilot project development. Schedule a consultation.