Theme: Anti-racist Pedagogy Lightning Talks

The Lightning Talks speaker event is a reflection and learning forum where Boston University faculty and invited guests identify areas of challenge and opportunity and share strategies for engaging educational experiences in the in-person environment. The speaker series, co-hosted by Digital Learning & Innovation and The Center for Teaching & Learning, is open to BU faculty, staff, graduate students, and postdoctoral scholars.

Contributing to positive change in the national conversation about race is a clear goal for BU. The Day of Collective Engagement in June 2020, the appointment of Professor Ibram X. Kendi, and the opening of the Center for Anti-Racist Research are all part of getting that conversation started within the University. What does this commitment look like in our classrooms? In this one-hour Lightning Talk, BU instructors share their strategies to building an anti-racist curriculum within their classes.

View the full hour Lightning Talks presentation here.

Video Topics

Watch the individual, five-minute video presentations:

I loved hearing the different experiences and felt that each speaker talked about race in teaching on a different level, giving me a broader understanding of different ways this comes up in my classroom.

– Anti-racist Pedagogy Lightning Talk Attendees

About the Moderator: Swati Kshama Rani, Lecturer, BU College of Arts of Sciences Writing Program

Dr. Swati Rani is the Chair of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee in Boston University's College of Arts and Sciences Writing Program, a member of the CAS DEI Action Team, and serves on the SAFEBUDS Leadership Board with BU D&I. Her courses as a lecturer focus at the nexus of literacies, critical race theory, and serving the strong and vibrant BIPOC student population.