Hack That Pitch! Workshop for Hult Prize & BU Competitions

  • Starts: 5:00 pm on Thursday, November 8, 2018
Registered for the Hult Prize or another competition? Time to get that story right! You are so excited about your idea, but how to do you get others just as excited so they want to join your team, buy your product, or win that competition? Understand what panelists look for in a winning team and learn how to effectively communicate your idea and passion to customers and investors. Open to: All BU students and alumni; especially great for students participating in the HultPrize@BU! Facilitator: Blake Sims, Innovate@BU Program Director of Social Innovation FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT HULTPRIZE@BU, CONTACT: hultprizebu@gmail.com NO HULTPRIZE@BU TEAM YET? Join our Digital Mixer at bit.ly/buhpmixer NOT YET REGISTERED? Register now at bit.ly/buhpregister
BUild Lab, 730 Commonwealth Ave.
Contact Organization:
Hult Prize @ BU
Contact Name:
Mia Y. Zhu

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