COVID-19 & Cities: Municipal Fiscal Health
- Starts: 1:00 pm on Wednesday, May 6, 2020
- Ends: 2:00 pm on Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Please join the Boston University Initiative on Cities (IOC) for a webinar to learn about the financial impacts and challenges that cities face due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Graham Wilson, Director of the Initiative on Cities, will moderate and be joined by:
— Christiana McFarland, Research Director at the National League of Cities
— Pam Kocher, President of the Boston Municipal Research Bureau and a member of the IOC's External Advisory Board
- Speakers:
- Christiana McFarland, Pam Kocher
- Audience:
- public
- Fees:
- free
- Registration:
- Learn More
- Contact Organization:
- Initiative on Cities
- Contact Name:
- David Gross