Publications & Publicity Policy
All student journals of opinion must operate independently of the University and without University financial support.
Various academic departments and administrative offices of Boston University are responsible for a variety of University publications, including information bulletins, newsletters, handbooks, and journals of opinion. Each such publication is the responsibility of a member of the Boston University faculty or administrative staff of a particular office or department. Students may be involved with such publications under the direction of the faculty and staff.
Various locations on campus have been designated for distribution of club cards, leaflets, handbills, circulars (other than those for a commercial purpose), and newspapers such as the basement of the George Sherman Union and certain lounges of the schools and colleges. The distribution of such material cannot impede the flow of traffic in these areas.
The distribution of these materials cannot take place in an academic class or at a program or activity of the University (such as a concert or basketball game) unless the faculty member or organizer of the program or activity approves in advance. Distribution may take place in the public areas outside of such activities.
Posting signs, posters, and fliers is permitted only on authorized bulletin boards. Materials may not be placed on walls, doors, windows, or trees, and may not be attached with permanent adhesives.
Because of the special environment of the residences, specific policies exist regarding soliciting and distribution of literature in the residences. (Please see Solicitation in Residential Policies or visit your hall/area residence office.)
Student Organizations
Student organizations may publish informational newsletters and gazettes that contain a calendar, scheduling, and information/news. The Dean of Students and the advisors of the student organizations are responsible for ensuring that such informational newsletters are in accord with the University’s standards of informational purpose and accuracy, and maintain good taste, responsible journalistic practice, proper grammar, and meet all requirements of law.
With the prior approval and oversight of the Dean of Students and the advisors of the student organizations, student organizations may also use University-designated computing or communications facilities for publication or distribution of information. Because of the general nature and interdependency of these facilities, as well as their connection to global networks, extraordinary care, consideration, and good judgment must be exercised when publishing electronically. Note that this and any other use of University computing facilities is also governed by the Boston University Conditions of Use and Policy on Computing Ethics.
Individuals and organizations are not permitted to chalk, paint, engrave or otherwise write or draw on any University property without written approval. Students and student organizations should seek permission from the Student Activities Office. If approved, chalking is not permitted on any step, stoop, or vertical surface (including but not limited to, pillars, walls, risers, or windows).
Any such unauthorized markings will be removed by, or under the direction of, authorized university personnel and may be considered vandalism subject to our processes under University policy.
Free-Expression Boards
The University has put up “free-expression boards” around campus, including in most large residence halls and the George Sherman Union. These are boards on which any person may post without any requirement of prior approval. The boards will be cleaned off at regular intervals, but otherwise the University will not remove posted materials unless they are threatening to a specific person or persons, offers for sale a good or service that may not be legally offered for sale, constitutes harassment under University policy or applicable law, or otherwise violates applicable law or University policy.