
The Council on Educational Technology and Learning Innovation (CETLI) is a University-wide group charged with discussing key assertions about the potential role of educational technology both in our on-campus, residential programs and as a means for reaching new learning communities via synchronous and asynchronous technologies. The Council is co- chaired by Professor Elizabeth Loizeaux, Associate Provost for Undergraduate Affairs, and Professor Azer Bestavros, Director of the Rafik B. Hariri Institute for Computing and Computational Science & Engineering.

The charge to the Council is to answer the following questions and others that they believe need to be addressed:

  1. How should Boston University use technology to transform undergraduate learning and teaching, including in large lecture courses? How should we balance synchronous and asynchronous, online and face-to-face learning in our residential setting? What are the implications of these transformations for faculty hiring, graduate student teaching, educational technology support, and campus planning?
  2. How should Boston University review current and develop new specialized online program offerings, especially in graduate and professional education, to assure the highest quality and to maximize competitiveness in the emerging environment?
  3. What courses or programs, if any, should Boston University target to offer on a global scale in a massively open format? What would be the primary goals of that initiative? How could this material be leveraged in our on-campus programs?
  4. In light of new opportunities for online learning, should Boston University explore competency-based assessment and alternative paths to undergraduate degrees, enabling faster, less expensive degree completion? If so, in what areas? Should we explore providing new alternative learning credentials, such as badges, in any areas?
  5. Given the strategy developed by the Council, how should BU organize and allocate resources to provide educational technology guidance, course development services, and support for faculty?

For more information, please check President Brown’s letter to the BU community announcing the establishment of CETLI.