Complaint Form 2023

This form can be used by any individual who wishes to submit an official complaint to the SEC. See Article 8 for more detail. By submitting this complaint and affixing your name below as your electronic signature, you affirm that all information provided is true to your knowledge.

  • Complainant Information

  • Your name
  • Your eight-digit Boston University Identification number.
  • Your primary email address; to be used only for official SEC communications.
  • Violation Information

  • The individual and/or campaign that you allege committed a violation.
  • For violations that occurred online, please indicate the site or URL where the violation took place.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
    When the violation took place. For prolonged violations, please indicate the date when the violation began and explain further below.
  • Please include the section(s) of the Elections Code violated, the names of other individuals involved as participants in or witnesses to the violation, and any other information that would help the SEC make a timely decision.
  • Max. file size: 100 MB.
    Please include any available evidence relating to the violation, for example: photographs or screenshots of the violation taking place, documents pertaining to the violation, etc.
  • Certification

  • The SEC will read over these and get back to you if you have any questions or concerns.