Continuity of Operations Planning is an initiative to encourage departments to plan to address how critical operations will continue under a broad range of circumstances. COOP is a good business practice because it prioritizes the continuation of critical business operations in and after emergency situations.

A continuity of operations plan establishes policy and guidance ensuring that critical functions continue and that personnel and resources are relocated to an alternate facility in case of emergencies. The plan should develop procedures for:

  • alerting, notifying, activating, and deploying employees
  • identify critical business functions
  • establish an alternate facility
  • roster personnel with authority and knowledge of functions

Create a continuity of operations plan for your department

Creating a continuity of operations plan is a team effort that will draw on your understanding of department operations with Emergency Management’s expertise in preparing for contingencies. Please contact Emergency Management and we will provide training and materials to help you plan.


For questions or assistance, contact Emergency Management at