Jing Zhang

Jing Zhang

While at BU, Jing Zhang earned a PhD in Systems Engineering.

Year of Graduation: 2017

Current Title: Research Scientist

Company: Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories (MERL)

I am working as a Research Scientist in the Data Analytics group at MERL. The focus of our research is on innovative high-performance algorithms that can be applied to various product lines of Mitsubishi Electric, including electrical power systems, various transportation systems, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems and solutions, and factory automation. The application of these algorithms minimizes costs, maximizes profits, increases reliability, improves energy efficiency, and reduces environmental impact of products.

During my PhD study at BU, I worked on detection and optimization problems with applications in smart cities, under the guidance of Professor Yannis Paschalidis, who taught me to conduct research work on practical and interesting problems for social good. I also benefited a lot from collaborative work with Professor Christos Cassandras. My research experiences at BU are irreplaceable for my current and future endeavors.

This post was published in 2017 and written by Jing Zhang.