BME Prof. Economo receives Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship Award in Neuroscience

Assistant Professor Mike Economo

Assistant Professor Mike Economo is a recipient of a 2020 Klingenstein-Simons Fellowship Award in Neuroscience.

The Klingenstein Fellowship Awards in the Neurosciences are among the nation’s oldest and most illustrious fellowships for young investigators in neuroscience research.
Aimed at advancing cutting-edge investigations, the awards are presented to highly promising, early career scientists. At this critical juncture in young investigators’ careers, when funding can be a challenge, the fellowship awards promote higher-risk, and potentially higher-reward, projects.

Prof. Economo received his PhD in BME at BU. He joined the BU BME faculty in January 2019. He is a member of the Center for Systems Neuroscience and the Neurophotonics Center.