Biomedical engineer and team will use funds to develop vaccines more effective at lower doses

By Patrick L. Kennedy

A new technology that might revolutionize vaccines has garnered Boston University’s Mark Grinstaff (BME, MSE) one of just six inaugural Trailblazer Engineering Impact Awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The $3 million award will empower Grinstaff to explore new possibilities in the engineering of messenger RNA for vaccines with reduced side effects, along with other applications.

“The vaccine we’ve created is effective at a 100-fold lower dose” than is currently common, says Grinstaff, a William Fairfield Warren Distinguished Professor. Building on these early results, which have upended conventional wisdom, Grinstaff will lead an interdisciplinary BU team in further developing and testing the technology over the next three years. “This award might open up new avenues of treatment that are not available today.”

Read the full story at BU’s The Brink