Family inspired Aditi Singh’s passion for biomedical engineering, starting with her grandfather. As a child, she couldn’t play with her prized remote-control car around him, because potentially its signal could interfere with his defibrillator. “That was where my interest in medical technologies kind of came from,” says Singh (ENG’28).

Her younger brother presented a less serious, and more mundane, situation she had to negotiate. “He doesn’t have sleep apnea, but his snoring issues—I call them issues—they give me many problems, because we share a room,” she says. “I’m a pretty light sleeper.” She turned to Google, asking, “Why does my brother snore so much?” And what came up was articles about sleep apnea.

The next stop on her intellectual journey is Boston University, where she has joined the Class of 2028 to take advantage of BU’s formidable resources in biomedical engineering.

Read full article at BU Today