The College of Engineering offers two Master’s Degree programs (MS, MEng) designed to prepare students for careers in industry or for further graduate study. Both programs combine advanced technical work with leadership and management skills, and include a practicum requirement—a resume-building project, clinical, research, or design opportunity that can be the basis for demonstrating competency and experience. Further details about the practicum requirement for individual degree programs can be found on the individual departmental program listings below.

    Masters Degree Programs

    LEAP into Engineering

    Late Entry Accelerated Program (LEAP)

    Prospective students who hold an undergraduate degree in another discipline can, at the College of Engineering, apply for our unique Late Entry Accelerated Program (LEAP). Students begin by taking foundational undergraduate engineering courses, then transition into graduate-level coursework to complete a master’s degree.

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    Societal Eng Banner Thumbnail v3, student in lab

    Master's Degree Specializations

    Interdisciplinary specialization in Robotics, Data Analytics, or Cybersecurity add value to your Masters' Degree, giving students an edge in rapidly growing economic sectors that are in need of Engineers.

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