BME MS Thesis Defense - Dylan Smolen

  • Starts: 9:00 am on Wednesday, April 12, 2023

Title: "Design and Fabrication of Porcine Crystal Ribcage for High Resolution Ex Vivo Imaging"

Advisory Committee: Bela Suki, PhD - BU BME (Chair) Hadi Nia, PhD, - BU BME (Advisor) William Boley, PhD – BU ME, MSE

Abstract: The lung is one of the most mechanically active and dynamic organs in the body that is exposed to cyclic deformations from a combination of breathing cycles and pulsatile blood flow. However, it is unclear how lung orientation or its own weight affect the respiration and microcirculation mechanics as observed when COVID-19 patients were put in the prone position to help drain extra liquid from the lungs. High spatiotemporal resolution imaging is needed to probe the physiological effect of orientation in real-time while preserving the complex 3D architecture of the native lung. Current imaging solutions like MRI and CT provide only temporal resolution and histological analyses provides only high spatial resolution. Recent advances have been made in imaging the functional mouse lung in health and disease at high spatiotemporal resolution using a “LungEx” platform and “crystal ribcage” device that provides a transparent physiologically-informed and biocompatible shell. The crystal ribcage provides a stable surface for optical imaging of the lung, while LungEx is used to monitor and control the ventilation and circulation parameters of the ex vivo lung. Here, we propose to scale up the mouse crystal ribcage to develop a pig LungEx platform which can be used to probe the functional ex vivo pig lungs with high spatial and temporal resolution at multiple scales. The pig crystal ribcage like the mouse version will provide a stable surface for imaging at multiple scales using optical microscopes, physiological physical boundary conditions, and support both mechanical positive-pressure ventilation and negative spontaneous ventilation.

24 Cummington Mall Room 103 (LSEB)