ECE Speaker Series 2011

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Distinguished Lectures

Rajesh K. Gupta, Chair of Computer Science and Engineering, University of California, San Diego “The Variability Expeditions: Exploring the Software Stack for Under-Designed Computing Machines” January 26, 2011.

Nick Bowen, Vice President of Software Appliances, IBM “Technology Disruptions and Trends: The Next Decade” February 16, 2011.

Mark J. T. Smith, Dean of the Graduate School, Purdue University “Improved Models for Accent Detection and Voice Synthesis” March 2, 2011.

Professor Alok N. Choudhary, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Northwestern University “Discovering Knowledge from Massive Data and Social Networks” September 14, 2011.

Professor Behnaam Aazhang, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Center for Multimedia Communication (CMC), Rice University, Center for Wireless Communications (CWC), University of Oulu “Context Aware Wireless Networks: A Physical Layer Perspective” October 12, 2011.

Professor Diederik S. Wiersma, Director, The European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS), University of Florence, Research Director at the National Institute for Optics, CNR, Italy “Trapping the Light Fantastic” November 29, 2011.


Professor Venu Veeravalli, Electrical & Computer Engineering Department and Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Distributed Inference in Wireless Sensor Networks,” March 10, 2011.

Professor David Albonesi, Cornell University. “Nanophotonic Interconnect Architectures for Many-Core Microprocessors,” March 23, 2011.

Professor Niraj K. Jha, Princeton University. “Bridging the ASIC/FPGA Gap with NATURE: A Fine-Grain Dynamically Reconfigurable Architecture,” April 4, 2011.

Professor Antonio Ortega, University of Southern California. “Wavelets on Graphs: Theory and Applications,” April 6, 2011.

Professor Dean Tullsen, Computer Science and Engineering Department, University of California, San Diego. “Data Triggered Threads — Eliminating Redundant Computation,” October 3, 2011.

Dr. Sani R. Nassif, IBM Austin Research Laboratory (ARL), Silicon Analytics Department. “The Light at the End of the CMOS Tunnel,” October 13, 2011.

Professor Nasir Memon, Polytechnic Institute of New York University. “Photo Forensics – There Is More to a Picture Than Meets the Eye,” November 2, 2011.


Dr. John Wright, Researcher in the Visual Computing Group, Microsoft Research. “Robust Analysis of High-Dimensional Data,” January 19, 2011.

Dr. Arnand Sarwate, Postdoctoral Researcher, University of California, San Diego. “Learning from Sensitive Data: Balancing Accuracy and Privacy,” January 20, 2011.

Dr. Jeffrey Kash, IBM, Thomas J. Watson Research Center. “Optical Interconnects in Exascale Supercomputers,” January 31, 2011.

Dr. Hariharan Narayanan, Postdoctoral Researcher, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Testing the Manifold Hypothesis,” February 23, 2011.

Professor Seth Hutchinson, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Partitioned and Hybrid Methods for Visual Servo Control,” February 28, 2011.

Dr. Brian Kulis, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley. “Learning for Search and Adaptation in Large-Scale Data,” March 7, 2011.

Ethan Katz-Bassett, Ph.D. Student, University of Washington. “Improving Internet Performance and Availability with Reverse Traceroute,” March 9, 2011.

Dr. Allen Tannenbaum, Georgia Institute of Technology. “Controlled Active Vision/Image Processing with Various Applications,” March 18, 2011.

Dr. Alex Shye, Senior Research Engineer, Qualcomm Bay Area Research & Development Center. “Power to the People: Incorporating the End User in Mobile Architecture Research,” March 28, 2011.

Professor Yogesh B. Gianchandani, University of Michigan. “Emerging Research in Microsystems: Opportunities and Challenges for Societal Impact,” April 15, 2011.

Assistant Professor Odile Liboiron-Ladouceur, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, McGill University. “Energy-Efficient Optical Interconnects in Computing Platforms,” April 19, 2011.

Dr. Urs Niesen, Bell Laboratories, Alcatel-Lucent. “The Degrees of Freedom of Compute-and-Forward,” April 20, 2011.

Dr. Daniel W. Bliss, The Advanced Sensor Techniques Group, MIT Lincoln Laboratory. “MIMO Wireless Communication with Applications to Ad Hoc Networks,” April 21, 2011.

Dr. Pier Luigi Dragotti, Reader (Associate Professor), Imperial College London. “On the Sampling and Compression of the Plenoptic Function,” April 27, 2011.

Professor Hesham El Gamal, Ohio State University. “Proactive Mobile Content Distribution: Theory and Practice,” April 28, 2011.

Dr. Moti Freiman, Post-Doctoral Research Fellow, Computational Radiology Laboratory, Children’s Hospital Boston. “Computational Radiology of the Abdomen: From Volumetric Measurements to Quantitative Imaging Biomarkers,” May 4, 2011.

Professor Hans-Erik Nilsson, Mid-Sweden University. “Printed Wireless Sensor Solutions,” May 16, 2011.

Assistant Professor Hatice Altug, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Boston University. “Metamaterials, Nanoplasmonics, and Nanofluidics for Ultrasensitive Spectroscopy and Biodetection,” May 19, 2011.

Dr. Russell D. Dupuis, Center for Compound Semiconductors, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology. “Advances in the MOCVD Growth of III-V Optical and Electronic Devices,” May 27, 2011.

Christian Conrad, Ph.D. Student, University of Frankfurt. “Learning Multi-View Correspondences from Temporal Coincidences,” June 30, 2011.

Professor Zygmunt J. Haas, Wireless Networks Lab, Cornell University. “New Directions and Challenges in Information Assurance with Application to Sensor Networks,” July 14, 2011.

Gyemin Lee, Ph.D. Student, University of Michigan. “Automatic Gating of Flow Cytometry Data,” July 28, 2011.

Professor Catherine Rosenberg, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Waterloo, Canada. “How Can the Internet Help Smarten the Grid?” August 30, 2011.

Professor Aydogan Ozcan, Electrical Engineering Department, California NanoSystems Institute, University of California, Los Angeles. “Photonics Based Telemedicine Technologies Toward Smart Global Health Systems,” September 1, 2011.

Gowtham Bellala, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Michigan. “A Coding-Theoretic Approach to Active Diagnosis,” September 15, 2011.

Professor Ali H. Sayed, Electrical Engineering Department, University of California, Los Angeles. “Adaptive Networks and Bio-Inspired Cognition,” September 26, 2011.

Dr. Scott Backhaus, Los Alamos National Laboratory – Co-sponsored by CEESI. “Smart Grid Monitoring and Control Concepts,” October 19, 2011.

Dr. Svetlana V. Boriskina, Chemistry Department, Boston University. “Superlenses for Optoplasmonic Nanocircuits,” November 16, 2011.

Professor Fiorenzo G. Omenetto, Tufts University. “The New Silk Roads for Technology,” November 22, 2011.

Dr. Ingmar Hartl, IMRA America, Inc. “Frequency Comb Spectroscopy: From Mid-IR to XUV,” December 2, 2011.

Henry Hoffman, Ph.D. Candidate, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, MIT. “SEEC: A Self-Aware Framework for Managing Goals and Constraints in Modern Computing Systems,” December 5, 2011.