ECE Speaker Series 2012

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Distinguished Lectures

Professor Lawrence Carin, William H. Younger Professor of Engineering, Duke University “Statistical Methods for compressive Hyperspectral Imaging.” February 8, 2012.

Professor Mau-Chung Frank Chang, Wintek Professor of Electrical Engineering, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) “Millimeter-Wave and Terahertz System-on-a-Chip for Radio, Radar and Imaging Systems.” March 7, 2012.

Professor Charles W. Tu, Distinguished Professor of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of California, San Diego “Bandgap Engineering and Device Applications of Dilute Nitrides.” March 28, 2012.

Dr. Supratik Guha, Director, Physical Sciences Department, IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center “Photovoltaics Research at IBM” October 3, 2012.


Professor Luca Carloni, Columbia University. “System-Level Design Methods for System-on-Chip Platforms,” January 25, 2012.

Mihaela van der Schaar, Chancellor’s Professor, UCLA Electrical Engineering Department. “Game-Theoretic Design for Networked Communities,” January 30, 2012.

Professor André DeHon, University of Pennsylvania. “Semiconductor Life Extensions Through Reconfiguration (Using Reconfiguration and Adaptivity to Deal with Variation, Aging, and Power Reduction),” October 23, 2012.

Professor James W. Davis, Ohio State University. “Clustering Using Ripley’s K-Function for Analysis of Scene Behaviors in Video,” October 31, 2012.


Jonathan Klamkin (ECE/Photonics), Institute of Communications Information and Perception Technologies, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna. “Photonic Integrated Devices, Circuits, and Subsystems,” January 18, 2012.

Dr. Tareq Abu Hamed, Director of the Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation, Arava Institute for Environmental Studies, Israel. “The Renewable Energy Research in Southern Arava,” January 31, 2012.

Dr. Simone Gambini, Berkeley Sensor & Actuator Center, University of California, Berkeley. “Electronics for Future Medical Devices: From Connected Implants to Point of Care Diagnostics,” February 1, 2012.

Phillipa Gill, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Toronto. “Security and Reliability for Internet-Scale Devices,” February 6, 2012.

Dr. George D. Skidmore, Principal Scientist, DRS Technologies RSTA. “Introduction to Microbolometers for Infrared Imaging,” February 8, 2012.

Professor Nick Feamster, Georgia Institute of Technology. “The Battle for Control of Online Communications,” February 10, 2012.

Dr. Eric Keller, Post-Doctoral Research Associate, University of Pennsylvania. “Secure Virtualization for Dependable Cloud Services,” February 13, 2012.

Dr. Nanfang Yu (ECE/Photonics), Researcher Associate, School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Harvard University. “Molding Optical Wavefronts Using Meta-Interfaces,” February 14, 2012.

Professor Tracey Ho, California Institute of Technology. “Error Correction for Deadlines, Keys and Computationally Limited Networks,” February 21, 2012.

Dr. Elison Matioli, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Nanophotonics for Energy Efficiency Applications: Exploiting Light Emitters Up to the Last Photon,” February 21, 2012.

Monika Patel, Northwestern University. “Indistinguishable Photon Sources for Practical Quantum Communication,” February 24, 2012.

Dr. Jacob Sorber, Dartmouth College. “Rethinking Mobile Systems for Uncertain Environments,” February 27, 2012.

Dr. Michelle Sander, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Towards Integrated On-Chip Femtosecond Photonic Technology,” February 28, 2012.

Dr. Laura Waller (ECE/Photonics), Postdoctoral Research Associate, Princeton University. “Computational Wave-Field Imaging,” March 1, 2012.

Dr. Alexey Gorshkov (ECE/Photonics), Postdoctoral Scholar, California Institute of Technology. “Many-Body Physics with Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Systems and Methods,” March 2, 2012.

Dr. Igmar Hartl (ECE/Photonics), IMRA America, Inc. “Frequency Comb Spectroscopy: From Precision Metrology to Hyperspectral Imaging,” March 5, 2012.

Dr. Haryadi S. Gunawi, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of California, Berkeley “Towards Reliable Storage Systems: From OS-Level File Systems to Cloud Storage,” March 5, 2012.

Devi Parikh, Research Assistant Professor, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago. “Advancing Computer Vision by Leveraging Humans,” March 19, 2012.

Amir Ali Ahmadi, Postdoctoral Associate, MIT. “The Interplay of Convexity and Algorithmic Algebra in Optimization and Systems Analysis,” March 21, 2012.

Andrew G. Kirk, James McGill Professor, McGill University. “Integrated Resonant Photonic Structures for Biosensing,” April 17, 2012.

Daniel Hsu, Postdoctoral Researcher, Microsoft Research New England. “Algorithms for Learning Latent Variable Models,” April 18, 2012.

David F. Welch, Founder, Executive Vice President, Chief Strategy Officer, Infinera Corporation. “A Paradigm Change in the Fiber Optic Networks,” April 26, 2012.

Valerio Pruneri, Institute of Photonic Sciences (ICFO). “Flexible Transparent Electrodes Based on Ultrathin Metals,” May 1, 2012.

Neal Crago, Ph.D. Candidate, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. “Energy-Efficient Latency Tolerance for Many-Core Processors with Decoupled Strands,” May 16, 2012.

Alessandro Tuniz, Institute of Photonics and Optical Science, University of Sydney Faculty. “Metamaterials in Fibers,” May 17, 2012.

Vahid Sandoghdar, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL), Friedrich-Alexander University (FAU). “Ultrasensitive Detection and Tracking of Nano-Objects via Scattering Interferometry,” May 25, 2012.

Shlomo Havlin, Bar-Ilan University. “The Extreme Vulnerability of Network of Networks,” June 12, 2012.

Professor Aryeh Kontorovich, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. “Metric Anomaly Detection Via Asymmetric Risk Minimization,” August 13, 2012.

Professor Joerg Kliewer, New Mexico State University. “Coding Strategies for Link and Physical Layer Security,” September 11, 2012.

Professor Max H. M. Costa, University of Campinas (Unicamp). “On Gaussian Interference Channels,” October 24, 2012.

Dr. Vasileios Palvidis, University of Manchester. “Truth and Lies about 3-D ICs,” November 2, 2012.

Cristina Boero, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL). “Electrochemical Biosensors for On-line Monitoring of Cell Culture Metabolism,” November 5, 2012.

Professor Ricardo L. de Queiroz, Universidade de Brasilia. “Green Computing for Video Processing,” November 14, 2012.

Professor Vahid Tarokh, Harvard University. “Information in Non-Linear Regime,” November 20, 2012.

Professor Chandra R. Murthy, Indian Institute of Science. “Distributed Co-Phasing for Data Fusion in Wireless Sensor Networks,” December 11, 2012.