Apply to Graduate
All students must Apply for Graduation and complete the required tasks in order to graduate and confirm their participation in commencement.
It is expected that students applying for graduation have met all degree requirements and are eligible for graduation from the College of Engineering.
Deadlines for applying to graduate
- November 1st for January Graduation
- March 1st for May Graduation
- July 1st for August Graduation
M.S. & M.Eng Graduation Requirements
• Students must complete their required academic program with a GPA of at least 3.0 to graduate. This includes coursework taken after matriculation applicable to the degree sought and any previous courses submitted in fulfillment of program requirements.
• Students must be registered for either a course or at least 2 credits of research/thesis in the semester or summer session in which they complete degree requirements.
• Students must submit a complete and signed Program Planning Sheet to be uploaded with their Graduation Application.
• M.S. thesis students should visit the Graduate Program Deadlines section of the Engineering Bulletin for more information on the timeline for defending and submitting their thesis.
• Students should consult with their department coordinator for any further requirements, procedures, and deadlines which may affect their graduation eligibility.
• Students must complete the Masters Outcomes Survey indicating their post-graduation plans. The survey will be emailed out shortly before final exam period.
PhD Graduation Requirements
• Students must complete their required academic program with a GPA of at least 3.0 to graduate. This includes coursework taken after matriculation applicable to the degree sought and any previous courses submitted in fulfillment of program requirements.
• Students must be registered for either a course or at least 2 credits of research/dissertation in the semester or summer session in which they complete degree requirements.
• Students should visit the Graduate Program Deadlines section of the Engineering Bulletin for more information on the timeline for defending and submitting their dissertation.
• Students should consult with their department coordinator for any further requirements, procedures, and deadlines which may affect their graduation eligibility.