Ingalls Jobs

We are looking for people to work as Monitors.

Please apply only when you are on campus and are sure of your plans and are ready to be called in for an interview and start work, if needed.

You must work during finals.

The pay is $15 an hour.

You must have an engineering or science background/major, and expect to work 10-20 hours a week, 3-6 hours a day.

Summer housing is not provided.

Thank you for your interest in the Monitor position at the W. Bradford Ingalls Engineering Resource Center (Ingalls Center). This describes the job in detail. If you are interested after reading this information, you can answer the questions below via e-mail to Please no phone calls, or visits asking about the job.

Do not inquire about your application after you have applied. We will contact you, if we are interested.  (Throughout your working life it is common to apply for a job and not hear back.  There are many reasons for this that may or may not be related to you.  You should apply for as many jobs as possible and hope for the best.)

If you do not hear back this semester, you are encouraged to apply for another semester in the future AFTER requesting an UPDATED application via e-mail.  Some people are not considered only based on their schedule so you may be considered for a different semester.  Updated applications are available about 3 weeks before the semester begins.

Monitors at the Ingalls Center provide a visible presence and ensure useful, friendly, clean, and a safe and secure environment for all those using the facilities. A monitor must be attentive to all activities and people at all times at the Center. This person will be doing assigned tasks, helping students, answering questions, and several other duties.

Monitors are required to work, mornings (11:00am), nights, weekends (11am), including, at least, two 12:30am closings a week (required). New monitors are also required to work weekday afternoon/early evening hours. Monitors must work during finals and must be on time.

Although you are not prohibited from doing homework or research, it cannot be the main focus while you are on duty. You cannot be part of a study group, wear headsets, or watch TV. Your main attention must be on all room activity while you sit at the Monitor Station only.

As part of this job, you will be asked to fill out a very detailed routine check list of items during the first hour of your shift. This will include making sure equipment is working, furniture is in its proper place, and supplies are maintained. Throughout your shift, you will fill out an Activity/Incident Report. This is to document how and when the Center is being used, what questions students have, and any matters that will need attention. You will also be making several inspections of the Center during your shift and checking the Ingalls and building doors.

Computers, TVs, cards readers/doors, projectors, printers, and other office equipment will need to be tested to make sure they work and are in good condition. If not, you will have to report this, as appropriate. You will also perform any office duties as needed for the Center. This may include working on Word and Excel documents and filling out on-line forms.

Monitors will be working on their own but will be in touch with a supervisor by phone, e-mail and zoom. You will also be visible on security cameras and recordings which are frequently reviewed.

Hours available are 11:00am to 12:30am, 7 days a week, some Holidays and Commencement Weekend. You will be scheduled to work some mornings, late nights, and/or weekend hours, including, at least, two 12:30am closings a week. You must report to work as scheduled on time. You must notify your supervisor immediately when you know you cannot report to work on time and you must find one of the other Monitors to cover for you.

To be eligible to work, you must be registered as a full time student at Boston University for Fall Semester. You cannot work more than 20 hours a week for ALL your jobs at BU while classes are in session.  No student can work more than 40 hours a week for ALL jobs at Boston University when classes are not in session.

International students need ISSO paperwork to begin work and cannot work more than 20 hours a week for all jobs they have while classes are held and no student can work more than 40 hours a week for ALL jobs at Boston University when classes are not in session.

If your check comes from Boston University, that is considered a Boston University job.

(If you are a Graduate Teaching Fellow , Research Assistant , or Dean’s Fellow , you must have permission from your supervisor to work as an Ingalls Monitor, since the GTF, RA and DF or DRF positions are considered 20 hours a week, assuming you receive a stipend and tuition. International students who are in GTF, RA and DF or DRF positions are not eligible to work, since you cannot work more than 20 hours a week. These rules do not apply in the summer or during semester breaks.)

To learn more, visit the main center webpage. 

If you are interested in the Ingalls Monitor position, please respond by e-mail only to with the following information.  I recommend that you be very specific and clear with your response in only one e-mail. Don’t make it difficult to figure out your answers.  You are being evaluated on the presentation of your response and how well your schedule fits in with current student workers.  In an application, you want to demonstrate you can follow directions, you are thoughtful and would be a good candidate. If appropriate, you will be asked to come in for an interview.  Please only respond if you are on campus and are ready to be interviewed and work, if hired.

1. What position are you applying for and why are you interested?

2. Do you understand this is a job with assigned duties and you cannot be part of a study group, wear headsets while working and you must be focused on all activity in the room, at all times, while sitting at the Monitor Station?

3. Are you able to work, mornings (11:00am), nights, weekends (11am), including, at least, two 12:30am closing a week?

4. How will you get home at 12:30AM?

5. Fall, Spring, Summer Session I & II  GRAPH schedule  – You must attach to your e-mail the graph format of your courses found at the Student Link.  It needs to be saved as an image. Do not include it in the body of the e-mail but as an attachment. You will need to add to INGALLS Google Calendar any times you cannot work because of other commitments. (Add it to the schedule. Do not explain in text.) Bring to my attention any unscheduled labs.

The graph schedule you are attaching to your e-mail is your clear statement of available hours for the semester/s and your willingness to work those hours. If you are hired, it will be based on these hours. If you are unable to work these hours, there is no promise we will have any other hours for you to work.

6. When do you plan to take vacations and time off? Please give specific dates. (When responding to this question BE SPECIFIC and include the period of today to Wednesday before Thanksgiving, the last day of Fall Semester).  Be sure to consider the days you will be moving in/out of your dorm, holidays, breaks, vacations, and finals. The work schedule for finals will be done after students know their exam schedule. Only freshmen are excluded from working during finals. All others are required to work during finals.

7. What are the specific times you want to work each week? The number of hours you want to work each week? How flexible are you in terms of the number of hours and times?

8. Do you have or are you seeking a second job? Is this a job where you do or will receive a paycheck/stipend from BU?

9. Please give me the specific dates and times (please give a few) in the next 7 business days. We can meet for a 20-minute interview between 10am and 1pm.  Only respond now, if you are in the area now and are ready to be called in for an interview and start work, if hired. No phone or zoom interviews.

10. Please include your ID #, full name, school, program, and graduation month and year.

11. How did you hear about the job?

12. If you are an Ingalls user, what do you like and dislike about the Center?

13. Do you have work-study money? (You are not required to have a work study award).

14. If you have a resume, you can attach it.

15. Can you work when finals end and Summer 1 starts?

16. Can you work Commencement weekend?

17.  Can you work Summer 0ne?

18.  Can you work Summer 2?

19.  Can you work the last 3 weeks in August, the day before Fall Semester starts?

20.  Can you work Labor Day?

21.  Can you work Fall Semester?

22.  Can you work the Thanksgiving Break (not Thanksgiving Day)?

23.  Are you aware you must work during finals?