Corporate Partners

The Boston University College of Engineering has created a comprehensive corporate leadership program that allows for holistic partnerships with companies that share a strategic vision with the College. We build mutually beneficial relationships with select corporate partners, making sure investment and engagement opportunities are aligned with company goals, including access to top faculty, student recruitment, STEM outreach and more.

Why Partner with BU College of Engineering?

We help companies achieve their long-term research and innovation goals through contact with faculty experts, access to future employees at all levels of expertise, service on advisory boards, and the opportunity to offer explicit input on curriculum reform to ensure future graduates are prepared for their industry.

Hear from our Partners

“Our partnership with Boston University and the Engineering Product Innovation Center (EPIC) has allowed us to align education and hands-on training for future manufacturing leaders. We are pleased to help foster the technical vision needed by tomorrow’s engineers to create products that delight consumers while using advanced manufacturing platforms.”
Bruno DeWeer, Vice President Global Engineering, Procter & Gamble

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