Research Hardware Purchase Recommendations

The Engineering IT department is here to help get you the right resources for your projects.

You can request individualized recommendations for your lab’s specific needs by completing the form below:


  • Usage

  • Describe your unique primary use of the system:
  • Primary Use (if other):
  • Other OS (Please Specify):
  • Include BU email addresses.
  • Installation

  • Building & Room #
  • Computing Needs

  • What are your project goals?
  • If yes, how many? What type?
  • For example, is this 70% TensorFlow (integer) and 30% solid-state simulations (double precision)? Single, Double, or Mixed-Precision workloads?
  • How often will this system be in use? i.e. month-long simulations, daily use, etc.
  • Will all data be collected locally, to be later uploaded to a networked storage location? Or do you plan on immediately collecting data directly to networked storage? | Will there be any Restricted-Use data?